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What are the most beautiful games this generation?

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    What are the most beautiful games this generation?

    By beautiful, I am talking art-wise, not technically. Games like Morrowind may have a lot of polygons, but they are otherwise rather ugly and brown.

    Here are my top 5.

    #1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    #2. Shenmue series

    #3 ICO

    #4 Metroid Prime

    #5 Crash Nitro Kart

    Panzer Dragoon Orta - nothing else matters



      The outdoor levels in Halo are wonderfully atmospheric and DOAXVB looks pretty fine.

      Gotta agree with a vote for Metroid Prime as well though.


        Ico is just stunning. So alien and peaceful.

        Rez didn't do it for me that much really. It's a bit too Tron for my taste.

        Burnout 2 really impressed me. Not only the quality of the graphics but how fast they moved.

        I was interested in pixeling for a while and that why I can appreciate the godly work Nintendo did on Advance Wars. It looks fabulous.


          Agree with 4 of those there I have to include Otogi in my 5,its a looker.


            Great choices there. I 'd have to add all of Smilebit's releases on Xbox: Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Panzer Dragoon Orta.

            Halo is also gorgeous, and I champion the sheer class of Resident Evil on the GC - the backgrounds may be static, but they are incredibly drawn and amazingly atmospheric (which is the whole point, anyway).


              I agree with all the games mentioned so far. I would also like to say O.To.Gi. The style and graphical effects in the game are quite stunning at times.


                mary kate and ashely TBH!!!!! 8)


                  ICO is the most aesthetically brilliant game released for years. Head and shoulders above everything else.


                    I'd agree with top three there for sure, although maybe in a different order. Wind Waker for me is easily at the top, bit Ico at for the majority of the game is much prettier than Shenmue, although Disc 4 of 2 is absoloutely stunning throughout.

                    I'd like to say Jet Set Radio Fututre too, its as consistently stylish as the Wind Waker but lacks a little something, cant quite put my finger on it.

                    I would also add Rogue Leader, played in cockpit view the game is stunning, and has buckets of atmosphere.

                    Ico though, mmmmm , makes me want my PS2 back.


                      As well as the games mentioned already, I have to also give special mention to the following:

                      Rez (amazing style from start to finish)
                      Wreckless (It plays like so much ass, yet looks so nice)
                      GT3 (Been kicking about for a bit but no other driving game has come close to matching it)
                      Ikaruga (most beautiful and cinematic 2D shooter ever devised)


                        In any particular order...


                        ICO (Beyond words, or not, depending how much more I can be arsed to write on the game )

                        Rez (colourful abstract beauty)

                        Silent Hill 3 (? - Not out yet, but considering Konami have stated all imagery is produced with the in-game engine, those trailers look breathtaking. The character models in particular)

                        Jet Set Radio Future (Style, attitude and funkiness all rolled into one delicious package)

                        Panzer Dragoon Orta (the sheer variety and technique of imagination in evidence is a wonder to behold)

                        Resident Evil (sumptious backgrounds, lighting and amazingly detailed characters prove that merging real-time 3D with pre-renders isn't over yet)

                        Metroid Prime (texture detail isn't amazingly high. It's just the whole look of the game feels complete and believeable. Each room and area is always modelled differently from the next)

                        The Wind Waker (? - Not played yet, but after viewing numerous reviews, impressions, screenshots and trailers, I'm confident this will be up there with the best on the Gamecube)

                        Doom 3 (? - Only seen screenshots and one truly gobsmacking trailer... But, it is truly gobsmacking)

                        Shenmue Series (Technically it's aged, but you can't deny the sheer attention to detail. Amazing)


                          Wind Waker for me - lovliest game i've had the pleasure of playing

                          Rez level 5 looks great too


                            Surely it has to be Winning Eleven 6 FE if you're talking about beautiful games...geddit!? EH?



                              But seriously, the ironing-board stiff animation really doesn't do it for me.

