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Ever got RSI from games?

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    Ever got RSI from games?

    I got it in my left wrist at the moment (I'm right-handed, before you say that joke) and it's annoying. I can't play any games at the moment, and even typing sucks.

    It's not a pain, it's like the feeling you get in the mornings when you try to clench a fist, and it's constant all day long. It's soooo annoying. Damn OutRun2

    I work with Autocad all day which is quite mouse intensive. Quite often my mouse hand/wrist will be very painful and shake uncontrollably making gaming impossible, I have also had this triggered by extended bouts of fighting games.

    I do find that turning off pad rumble helps me alot and taking breaks during gaming. Playing golf and guitar doesn't help much either.


      Aye my wrists and arms are totally ****ed. Quite frequently i get pains if lying on my side in bed, or for no reason what so ever, ranging from sharp shooting to a dull ache.


        Tom you should sue microsoft for such an uncomfortable pad design


          Tom you should sue microsoft for such an uncomfortable pad design
          I'm sure if you were american you could get away with trying it!!


            I got it for the first time from OutRun 2 as well.
            It is rather annoying...


              I've only ever had this from extended sessions of Sudeki, it's the certain combination of controls you have to use on the large Xbox pad. As I've not tried it with the S-Controller I don't know if it's an improvement, but I can't say it's been an issue with other Xbox games, or any other game tbh.


                Burnout 3 + Holding A to boost all of the time = pain

                I had very sore fingers after 12 straight hours of PGR2 last year also.


                  Yeah i hate games which have you hold a key down continuously.

                  My RSI has flared up recently. My lifestyle isnt very good for it of course - mouse and keyboard at work, gaming at home, and DIY in other spare time which also involves wrist movement...

                  I have no idea how to get better except to stop gaming and take time off work, but i cut back for ages and it didnt really help. Fortunately its not severe, just a dull pain when i do too much* but i think i'm really going to have to be careful to not do more harm. I've told my boss about it, and her reaction was to try to cover her arse that its not works (or her) fault for doing stupid stuff like not using scripts for big database edits, thereby making us sysadmins do labourous wrist-busting chores. Oh my deity(s) do i hate office politics...

                  *either longevitey of intensity
                  Last edited by Zed; 09-10-2004, 07:11.


                    I'm beginning to get it now, but it's not too bad and I'm adapting at work (told them quite straightly to stop be cheap asses and buy me a keyboard and mouse foam supporting thing or else I'd walk out. As the only employee who actually works for the company full time from the front lines they can't afford to lose me :P) to lessen the impact.

                    Burnout did get quite painful, mind.


                      The finger I use for the right trigger on Xbox pads is ****ed up. Mainly due to Burnout 3 and PGR2.


                        My arms and hands used to go a bit numb when I used to play pso on the dreamcast, but I did put in some mad hours on that game.


                          I've never really suffered from gamepads. But my wrist sometimes gets sore from over use of a mouse - when I'm heavily into a PC game (like Rome Total War) I end up using a mouse 12+ hours a day as I use a mouse all day at work too.





                              I only get any pain from fighting games and thats on my left hand due to the d pad motion for specials etc.

