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Pro Evolution 4 Demo

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    Pro Evolution 4 Demo

    Got this yesterday from Our Price, i know this isn't strictly new news because alot have it imported already but i thought i'd put my views on it on here judging from the demo!!

    Firstly i was amazed how poor the graphics were, the camera seems way to close (but can't be changed on demo) and the players seem more blocky than in PES3 hopefully this will be better in the proper game, having said that, the cut scenes are very detailed and lifelike! Then it come's to gameplay, it's a lot faster than previously and the dribbling seems a lot more fluid and less restrictive as does the passing! One annoying problem though is the computers ability to hit you on the fast break with pin point through balls that leave your defence miles away (don't forget i'm playing the demo so this might have changed) it happens all the time and they usually score, at least when they're Brazil.

    I could go into more detail but i think it's been covered before, i thought i'd just post my views based on the demo and to let people know that there is a demo available!

    I'm kind off stuck in limbo now between versions, do i go back to trusty PES3 with the better graphics etc or to the freestyle play of PES4?? Decisions decisions!!

    It's only a demo fella.

    I wasn't sure of it at first having spent the last 2 months with Winning Eleven 8, but it certainly feels different to that. The AI seems a lot more clinical in front of goal, which isn't a bad thing IMO.

    The demo doesn't allow you to change formations or tactics, but you can initialize the Zone Press option in-game, I find this tightens the back-four up and allows Scholes a lot more freedom in the middle when the Brazilians start to push up.

    Still, I applied for a position in the National League (Bluewater one), with a 2-0 win and game where I had all the posession and a sublime piece of skill from Scholesy rinsing 2 defenders before a through-ball to Owen who finished with a delightful chip over the keeper.


      I applied for a position in the National League (Bluewater one), with a 2-0 win
      How does this league work? Does it go on how many goals you score or what? I think i've got a password from when i won 2 - 1, i'll go and enter it and see what happens!

      By the way, even though i'm not 100% impressed i'm finding it exceedingly difficult to prise my self away from it!!

      Just one more game!


        Yep, it's got you wholesale now.

        Basically, the National League is played out over a series of monthly events at various locations. If you visit you'll see which one's nearest to you. I'd recommend it, you get to some really good Pro Evo players.

        I was in the Southend one with PES3, sadly though, I entered the league late-on and had a mountain to climb to make up the difference. I did however, play one of the National finalists in the league and lost 3-0 bearing in mind it was my very first competitive match in the league.


          I played the OPS2 coverdisc demo and IMO the graphics are an improvement on PES3. I actually thought the players looked more rounded and less blocky. The OPS2 demo let's you choose difficulty settings, formation settings and camera settings, you can choose between Spain, Italy, England and Sweden. I wasn't sure if I'd like it because after two minutes I was thinking..meh. But then a few hours down the line I managed to pull myself away fromt the ps2 and then I thought wow this game is going to be brilliant.
          Last edited by Zapp$ter; 11-10-2004, 09:54.


            It must be a different demo, i think the reason it's blocky is because i'm playin ine on a 42" TV and i sat a little too close, thats why i usually have the camera on wide view and it look's perfect! I think it's safe to say that after all my pissing and moaning i'll be there first thing to buy myself a copy!!

            It's still scheduled for release on friday, right??

            There isn't a league in Manchester!! Oh well, i've got erratic gameplay anyway, one time i'll pummel someone 5 - 0 and then i'll lose the next against a guy who has never played before! Go figure!!


              Mind you it'd be worth travelling to the end of the earth if it meant getting a pic taken with these 2 beauties!!


                How is the framerate during matches, especially in the goal mouth with lots of players involved? (replays don?t matter)
                As many other people I need to decide whether to go for the Xbox or PS2 version.
                Since I Don?t have Xbox Live! online play doesn?t matter to me, as well as some minor grahical improvements.
                I already have the X-Port tool for my PS2 to update the Option File (if necessary), so I that?s a plus for the PS2 version there.
                However, poor framerates could lead me to wait for the Xbox release of PES4 - if the Xbox version doesn?t suffer from them as well.


                  Originally posted by Balou
                  How is the framerate during matches, especially in the goal mouth with lots of players involved? (replays don?t matter)
                  As many other people I need to decide whether to go for the Xbox or PS2 version.
                  Since I Don?t have Xbox Live! online play doesn?t matter to me, as well as some minor grahical improvements.
                  I already have the X-Port tool for my PS2 to update the Option File (if necessary), so I that?s a plus for the PS2 version there.
                  However, poor framerates could lead me to wait for the Xbox release of PES4 - if the Xbox version doesn?t suffer from them as well.
                  From the demo I played (the one on the OPS2 coverdis) I didn't notice any slowdown whatsoever and I was involved in plenty of goalmouth scrambles. Maybe someone else might have encountered slowdown, but I found the gameplay to be quite smooth overall.


                    Isn't this the first PES game that doesn't use Renderware as its base engine? If Konami had to code the visuals from the ground up again then it's perhaps forgiveable if it's got some slowdown and skank here and there...


                      Regarding the slow-down; whilst it isn't entirely erradicated, it's a heck of a lot better than it was in Winning Eleven 8.


                        Just a question to those that have procured the *ahem* full demo version...

                        Are the callnames for unlicensed players still
                        "number 1!"
                        "number 2!"

                        and so on?


                          Had an hour go of the full version today (GAME I work at has them in, not selling though) and in numerous Holland-France multi player games I can't recall a single Dutch players name being called out. They're now called Von Nostleroy rather than Orange 1, Orange 3 etc.

                          As for the slowdown it only occured on the odd corner (before the ball was struck) and at the animation before goal kicks at taken. Certainly none in mid flow of the game. All the animations before the dead ball kick is taken where the slowdown occurs can be skipped too.

                          Team names and Stadium names are still a bit laugh though. Stad Brick anyone?


                            Got a demo from virgin, have to say, it looks better than PES3 imo, and having been playing Fifa 2004 today, it's definately a good size jump over last years crop. Slowdown, it did stutter occasionally but there was only really particularly noticible slow down on goal kicks and corners (from the players perspective).

