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Are you a gaming nut?

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    Are you a gaming nut?

    Me? I bloody love it I do!

    Sure, I get frustrated at having a large collection of barely-touched games at times - and not having the time to play them - but the reason I've got so many games is because that I know when I finally do get around to playing them I'm going to have a great time.

    I play Animal Crossing for about 15-25 minutes almost every day, and I usually either boot up Tiger Woods 2005 for a real time event or play a couple of matches on WE8.

    I've finally just properly finished 1080: Avalanche, which was cracking, and have now moved on to the first Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance which I've had for yonks and am thoroughly enjoying it.

    I've recently bought Burnout 3, OutRun 2, Fable and Gradius V amongst others which are all wonderful from what I have played of them, and I'm very excited about getting round to rinsing them at some point.

    I also find time to do some high score attacks on Midway Arcade Treasures and Capcom Generation 1 for some quick fix twitch gaming and nostalgia.

    Over the next little while I've got GTA:San Andreas, Halo 2, Metroid Prime: Echoes plus loads more to look forward to.

    I'm 32, I've been gaming for something like a quarter of a century and I enjoy it now as much as ever.

    I'm enjoying playing games more then ever before.

    I've finally got round to getting a PS2 and Xbox to accompany my beloved Gamecube and have been enjoying catching up on some missed gems. I absolutely adore getting engrossed into a game and not only 'play' it but also to experience what it has to offer. I admire the work, imagination, artistry and time which goes into these works of arts.

    Admittedly im very 'picky' about the games i wish to purchase, but that doesn?t mean i'm willing to give most things a try. I tend to stick to games which im fairly certain has the potential to be an enthralling experience. There are far too many great games out there to waste time on poor ones imo

    Recently on my newly bought Xbox i've been enjoying playing Fable, Ninja Gaiden, Guilty Gear X Reload, Thief 3, Morrowind, and Halo.

    On my beautiful Silver PS2 i've encountered the truly captivating dream-like experience that is Ico and am currently utterly engrossed in Final Fantasy X, which is imo, an absolute stunner of a game

    And before these titles i was enjoying Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 2, re-playing Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime and some older classics such as Super Mario World and Yoshis Island

    My anticipation buds are overly excited about a vast number of top quality titles including Metroid Prime 2 (the sequel to my one of my most loved game of the past decade) Paper Mario 2, Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Doom 3, Jade Empire, Orta, Biohazard 4 and of course the next Legend of Zelda

    Not forgetting the Nintendo DS...

    And there are still currently released titles i'm keen to purchase: Silent Hill 3, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X-2, Harvest Moon and so many more it boggles the mind.

    To put it simply... yes.. i am a gaming nut and absolutely love them to pieces. In fact, i've been so engrossed in games recently i've been spending far less time on here discussing them because i've had so many wonderful things to play and enjoy. ^_^
    Last edited by Adam Stone; 14-10-2004, 11:16.
    ----Member since April 2002


      back in the days of the N64 i was defo a gaming nut - usto play goldeneye multiplayer and do mario kart 64 time trials all day long!

      though thesedays, i don't seem to have the same excitement for games but i still play almost everyday but for shorter time periods.


        Originally posted by Adam Stone
        I absolutely adore getting engrossed into a game and not only 'play' it but also to experience what it has to offer. I admire the work, imagination, artistry and time which goes into these works of arts.
        That's a sentiment I agree with completely.

        Sometimes I'll stick with a game which maybe isn't engaging with me completely in terms of a cumpulsion to simply PLAY the game just because I enjoy the aesthetics and/or the atmosphere.

        A game where all these elements gel perfectly and are present in equal measure is - at least subjectively - a classic.


          I thought my enthusiam for games had somewhat dampened lately, but i was sent out here to Sydney to work for 3 weeks. Turns out I've now been here for 3 months and back home I have the Biohazard 4 demo, Outrun 2, Gradius V and Winning Eleven 8 waiting and in all honesty, i'm dying to get back to the UK now just to play these (even more so than seeing my missus!).

          The sad fact that this is why I miss home is obvious testament to where my loyalties lie (sorry Nicola)...


            Half-Life 2. Wanda and Colossus.

            On the horizon, those are the titles keeping my eyes peeled. Keeping me focused.


              i have alot of stuff but i wouldnt say i was a gaming nut

              i just dont have the time to play many games, Outrun 2 was the only game i have played in ages

              looking forward to san andreas, mgs 3 and metroid prime 2

              gonna try and make some time for them but i probably wont have the time


                back in the days of the N64 i was defo a gaming nut - usto play goldeneye multiplayer and do mario kart 64 time trials all day long!
                I gotta agree, i clearly remember the N64 almost made me fail my GCSE's, we used to have time off to go and "study" at home, what this "study" word meant to us was go round to my mates house with a chippy lunch and play 4 player Goldeneye untill our eyes bled !! Oh and we also had a riot on WCW Vs NWO, hilarious 4 player, lot's of backstabbbing going on!!

                However i'd like to think that i'm returning to being a gaming nut, in fact the missus had a go at me last night for playing PES4 for hours, she said,
                "I never get to watch TV anymore, coz all i bloody see is you playing football or some other complicated game i can't play, it's always games this and games that! .....etc!!)

                I felt quite pleased with myself...........I HAVE RETURNED!!!!

                P.s - Oh yeah and i think it's due to this place!! Cheers guys!!


                  You NEEEEED separate TVs as a gamer in a live-in relationship.
                  I have my 32" widescreen in the 'games room' and we have a cheap 24" Asda set in the lounge for my woman to watch.

                  Mind you, she has my spare PSone and Saturn up there which she plays on quite a bit.


                    To be honest, she doesn't even watch TV that often, she's too busy reading!!

                    She's a bit of a book worm (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

                    She sometimes plays games, she likes burnout 3 and i think she wants Donkey Konga, i'll give in and buy that, but only because i secretly want it as well!!

                    Anyway, my front room is my games room, if she don't like it, then sod off upstairs!!


                      Yeah, I used to live with a bookworm girlf, and we used to successfully share a lounge TV (most of the time).

                      In fact though, I remember coming home from a night shift once and her getting the hump because I wanted to watch the football league round-up and she was getting well into Monkey Island...


                        When i'm not working or sleeping, i'm playing games.

                        I don't have a large collection compared to some people, but I do have enough games to last me a lifetime.

                        Apart from my PS2 and Gradius V, my most played game at the moment is Super Hang-On on the ZX Spectrum. Bloody loving it. 48k forever!


                          I'm another who was a 'gaming nut' in the halcyon days of the SNES and N64. Back then I'd spend days perfecting a game and was one of many fools willing to spend upto ?100 for the latest Streetfighter title or ?500 for the newly-released Japanese N64.

                          But these days gaming is a much smaller part of my life and I try to spread my time across a variety of interests. I do still get excited when games like F-Zero GX and Pikmin 2 are released - but I'm finding such games are few and far between.

                          I recently bought an import SNES which helped me enjoy games, and over the past couple of months I've spent more time playing Super Metroid, Equinox, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World and Castlevania IV than I've spent playing the Gamecube.

                          But no, I'm not a gaming nut.


                            ...I remember coming home from a night shift once and her getting the hump because I wanted to watch the football league round-up and she was getting well into Monkey Island...
                            Is that a double entendre?


                              Bah...that only works if you've got room for more then one decent sized telly.

                              Most of gaming happens on my day off in the week or if the other half goes to bed early.

                              Me...I wouldn't describe myself as a gaming nut. I spend way too much on games certainly, time and other commitments mean half my collection gathers dust for way too long.

                              I also can't cope with obsessive the obsessive play my favourite genre rpgs require on an idefinite basis. If I play a game solid for a long period of time (Tales of Symphonia - 62 hrs most recently) I have to have a break and only play something casually for a few weeks.

                              Hence me already having enough RPGs to last me the next two years if not more (and thats before Growlanser and Shin Megami turn up in the enxt couple of weeks!).

