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Ending Music

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    Ending Music

    Just played through Mario Bros. 2 again (US version, not the lost levels), and I have to admit it's got the most fantastic ending music.

    It's the kind of music that really makes you feel "satisfied" by finishing the game.
    What other games have that kind of music that really tops the game off with? Ocarina of Time is another candidate, anything else?

    Streets of Rage 2. In fact the music throughout the game is fantastic.


      I've got a few candidates:

      Sonic - The little meddley that plays over the credits

      Space Channel 5 - Pala Paya

      Space Channel 5 part 2 - "My Sweet home"

      Vagrant Story - Credits music

      Final Fantasy 7 to 9 - There's a piece of music during the credits thats the same for all three titles, haven't got a clue as to what its called.

      Ridge Racer 4 - Credits music

      Phantasy Star Online - The music that plays after "I can see the light"


        The ending and credits music for the first Shenmue. Spine-tingling.

        Unfortunately, neither are on the Shenmue OST. ft:


          Ridge Racer 5
          The Boom Boom Satellites track "On the Painted Desert (vocal mix)" is a perfect wind-down while watching the various imagery of Ridge City afteer a hard day's racing. I've watched this ending sooooo many times.

          Metal Gear Solid
          "The Best is Yet To Come" is a beautiful track, and a perfect ending piece to allow the player to reflect on all the themes and ideaology MGS presents. Far better than the ending piece selected for the sequel imo.

          The Ending music was good enough on this SNES masterpiece, but after finishing it on hard it really blew me away. The way the music ends is just superb, with the Axelay blasting off into the distance, and an amulet appearing around the planet which then closes. All the time this is happening, there is a perfect twinkling ending piece playing that gives an immense feeling of achievement. All this only happens when the game is finished on the hardest skill though.


            How unrewarding was Xenon 2 on the Amiga to complete? You had that pumping tune in the background for the WHOLE game. Then when you clock it all you're simply thanked for playing and the whole screen goes black!


              Originally posted by bash
              How unrewarding was Xenon 2 on the Amiga to complete? You had that pumping tune in the background for the WHOLE game. Then when you clock it all you're simply thanked for playing and the whole screen goes black!
              Off topic slightly, but how overrated was that Xenon2 music??? This is a personal rant of mine... Everyone was raving about it. All it actually consisted of was a (short) sample looped over and over and over and fu**ing over again. ft: Why was the music so highly praised? It wasn't even a digital composition, it was just a sample loop. There were millions of superior tracked soudtracks on the amiga, just look at games like Turrican or any Team17 title. Ok, so the Bomb the Bass track was good, but a shooter should have a bit more variety than an endless repetition of a low-quality sample. I'm not dissing sampled music per se (let's face it, most music nowadays is streamed samples), but the Amiga just didn't have the memory or the storage to pull it off.

              Now project X, there was a shooter soundtrack!

              Rant over... (sorry guys)


                I think it's because it was one of the first games to offer a decent stab at real licensed music. I suspect it was a bit special when it came out.


                  The song (that appears as a motif throughout the game) at the end of D2, called Counting the Roses.

                  It's a lovely song, written especially for the game, that is reminiscent of some of Jeff Buckly's songs, or Amy Mann's (but with a male vocal). Very moving stuff.


                    I agree with D2, but Ico is the one.

                    The whole ending is incredibly dream-like, and probably rates somewhere in the best gaming moments of all time. Perfect.


                      Ocarina of Time's end music was perfect.

                      Also, the intro screens to Amiga games that had been cracked!


                        The whole orchestral ending music to Starfox/wing on the SNES was always a great reward for finishing the game.


                          anyone ever completed square's chocobo racing... a classic ending tune


                            Castlevania Syphony of the night of Saturn. I think its one of the remixed tunes called bloodytears. oh my word i luv that tune! But Thebest has to be SF3 Third strike Ryus stage second round i think? maybe final round, but boy does it make me wanna jump up and down. Also Ridge racer 5 "samarai rocket is cool too" ive never seen peeps mention this one, how come?



                              Originally posted by Riskbreaker
                              Final Fantasy 7 to 9 - There's a piece of music during the credits thats the same for all three titles, haven't got a clue as to what its called.
                              It also in-

                              FF5: when you find a crystal shard
                              FF6: In some dream sequences
                              FF10: At the start, just before the first blitzball game

                              And I cant remember whats its called either >_<

