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Are you an IGN Insider?

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    Are you an IGN Insider?

    If so, what's it like?

    I've been considering it recently - not for the reviews or anything daft like that; they always seem to have decent quality gameplay footage etc.

    What are the benefits (if any?)

    dunno really if you hunt around you can get most of the stuff they offer for free.

    Saves a bit of time i guess


      Yup, and I like it. I use the ign insider boards as well as the insider content, fairly nice and doesn't cost much at all.


        At around 25p a week you can't go wrong really. Although around E3 time I tend to go to Gamespot for my news and media.


          I use my mates account, he paid fgr the service when E3 was on, and it was reduced. Seems a decent service, I just like the occosional video review or game footage, but it's decent for the price!


            Short of some high-res footage, there's little on IGN to justify the fee at all if you don't use the boards. The only worthwhile features I find are the head to heads (Which are mostly for games that I don't buy), and Gaming Life in Japan which is unreliably updated and often consists of little real information.

            Save your money. You can get pretty much all of it away from Insider anyway (Both on the platform specific sites and other completely free sites). I'd recommend checking out Gamespot who have a far cleaner design (You can get all the updates you need from a single page) and, for me at least, far better reviews and previews. They don't have platform specific editors, which means you're subjected to far less fanboy crap than IGN. Which is good to my mind. They also have much less intrusive ads.


              It's pretty good, it's cheap enough for me to use it to download hi-res Quicktime footage. Can't comment on their games journalism but their DVD reviews are unbelievably inept.


                Originally posted by Lyris
                ...Can't comment on their games journalism...
                See below...

                Originally posted by Lyris
                ...unbelievably inept.


                  I've been an 'insider' since it began, and I like it a lot. Lots of high res movies, vid reviews and interviews.

                  Plus Gaming Life in Japan can be interesting and they do tend to lock off some of the more interesting articles to insiders for a while.

                  During E3 it's a goldmine.


                    good to hear ign insider is worth the dough.

                    but i prefere kikizo for my video game footage needs tough. its free, and they have exelent quallity files. you can even download them with no extra costs.

                    the only thing they ask is click on some adverts........ not to bad.


                      I chose IGN over Gamespot largely due to the fact that IGN offer a PayPal service. Plus the fact that the majority of Gamespot's content you can stream for free anyway. Overall I find IGN to be excellent value for money especially around trade shows.


                        All the "Insider" stuff used to get posted on here at one time, not any more. I blame George Bush

