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re: Xbox - is there anything on the horizon....atall?

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    re: Xbox - is there anything on the horizon....atall?

    So there I was, having a brief and well needed tidy up of my desk area to make room for my sketchbook, and I noticed my xbox sitting there, unplayed for weeks and looking decidely despondant. "Its ok!" I exclaimed, "Halo 2 is just around the corner!!11!". Hearing this news seemed to cheer my Xbox up no end, with it even performing a sort of disc tray dance of delight.

    However, moments after undignifyingly shoving my xbox in a drawer not to be touched until 11/11, a thought hit me like a tonne of xbricks. "After halo 2, just wtf is there being released on xbox?!" Its a question that deeply unsettled me for a few seconds, perhaps even a minute.

    Throughout the xbox's lifespan theres always been some huge game on the horizon that I've eagerly awaited i.e Halo 2, Fable, Outrun 2. However once the holy day of 11/11 comes and goes, what have we got? Forza is the only game I can think of, and even that might end up being a typically overhyped piece of gash.

    This seems to be an xbox only problem for me too. With VJ2, Ico 2, GT4, RE4, Lumines and Ridge all being released on various platforms.

    This might just be a personal thing, but I am honestly unaware of a single game that I'm looking forward to on xbox. So my question is this...Is this a sign that xbox is reaching the end of its lifespan, that there is a seriously baron patch in the xbox release schedule , or that I have no idea what the **** I'm talking about?
    Last edited by dave heats; 05-11-2004, 07:09.

    Knights of the Old Republic 2?

    Edit: And Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Call of Cthulu, Forza Motorsport, MechAssault 2, Unreal Championship 2, Psychonauts, Conker, Splinter Cell 3, Jade Empire... anything there take your fancy?
    Last edited by evilmatt; 04-11-2004, 21:53.


      Conker? Pro Evo 4? Both for LIVE


        I was thinking this the other day too and could only come up with a few games that will break the barren patch:

        Jade Empire
        Star Wars: KotOR 2

        erm... I'm sure there'll be a few more but, for me personally at least, the xbox will be getting less play than my ps2 for the next few months at least.


          Erm, Ultra Bust a Move (Live)


            And Blinx 2 of course, everyone is getting that right?...everyone?...IT'S 5D!!


              All you need is Street Fighter 3 online. Nothing else ;P


                All those lovely neo-geo conversions for me, because I'm just plain poor. oh, and a conversion of GGX2#R with live play (albeit ****, apparently)

                Originally posted by Tom Salter
                All you need is Street Fighter 3 online. Nothing else ;P


                  Originally posted by tyler
                  And Blinx 2 of course, everyone is getting that right?...everyone?...IT'S 5D!!
                  You missed out the obligatory 11111!!! at the end, so you can gtf tbfh!!11!

                  Seriously though, I have noticed a huge decline in the playtime my xbox has been getting in recent weeks. When I re-bought one about 2 months ago I couldnt stop playing it, especially PGR2 on xbox live.

                  Now however my xbox live kit has collected an ungodly amount of dust, and I twatted PGR2 long ago. I'll definately take halo 2 online, if only to get my rear end served up to me on a silver platter by camping bitches.

                  I'm still waiting for someone to mention a game that interests me though...


                    Heh, not sure about the future, but im kind of busy with all the stuff thats already out.

                    DOA Online
                    Street Fighter 3 Online
                    Burnout 3

                    Hell, I aint even finished KOTOR, never mind KOTOR2. I still need to buy Prince of Persia, PGR2, then there is HALO2

                    Those games alone will last me about 5 months + easy.

                    Thats not even counting all those great games for all my other consoles that I will probably never get chance to buy/play

                    I dont know were you get the time to play so many games lol.


                      GTA:SA if it's ever released on it ?


                        What is the buzz with Forza? Is it meant to be really good? COs I really did not think so when I tried it at TGS. I thought it was plain rubbish actually. Do I have to give it another chance? It felt so light and horrble.


                          I feel the same.
                          In fact, after getting SF3 now I don't think I cba with Halo2. I just won't have time for it for a long while now. Not one of the games mentioned in this thread interests me.


                            In exactly the same position, there are games I want comin out on cube an PS2, and DS an PSP have me relatively interested, but I now don't own a single game for my xbox, but don't want to sell it as last time I did everything I wasn't too fussed about before suddenly seemed must have. Guess it's worth keeping as an RGB DVD player until I find something else I'm badly after, but most stuff is a matter of waitin for it to become budget as there are things on other formats that interest me far more, Pro Evo might completely swing it tho..


                              Originally posted by Firsty
                              I feel the same.
                              In fact, after getting SF3 now I don't think I cba with Halo2. I just won't have time for it for a long while now. Not one of the games mentioned in this thread interests me.
                              Really ?? You played it or summit - I'd imagine 99.9% of XB owners are gagging for this....

