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Shops opening early Thurs for Halo 2 ?

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    We're opening Midnight wednesday (GS burnley)

    107 special editions!


      I thought i'd cancelled my order at Play for Halo 2 L.E but irecieved an e-mail this morning saying it's been shipped. Always the way, the games i want never get to me early. The ones i'm not to bothered about alwys do.

      I was carried along on a wave of hype, that's why i ordered first, then i cancelled after calming down a bit but my anticipation is slowly creeping back up.

      I haven't read hardly anything about Halo 2 but am i right in saying that there is still no multiplayer with bots?

      I have Live but i'm pants at FPS games (even though i love them) and it would be nice to get in some sort of practice before XXDEATHChIeFXX (some 5 year old american lad) whips my ageing arse online.


        Well, my local Gamestation are opening up at 8am so I'm gonna get before going to work, as I'm doing overtime all week.

        It will be mental torture though with the game sitting next to me on my desk.


          "the guy mentioned that they are doing the same deal that they did with GTA:SA. Trade in any 4 games and get Halo 2 for ?7.99."

          Sorry got confused is this game or gs? think i might go with this option.

          Great to see so many people pumped about a game release. Roll on 12pm wed!!



            GAME it is.


              Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
              From a personal POV, I'm bemused as to why someone would need a game a few hours before most other folk. And I'm not talking "I import so I get the game months before", this is camping outside a shop so you can get it hours before. I've been gaming for over 20 years, I've got games I'm gagging for like everyone else, but I can't say I'd ever feel the need to crash in a sleeping bag outside a shop just so I can beat the postman by five hours (which is all you'd be doing if you'd ordered online). It's just fanatical. And people moan about fanboy-ism; there's no better example of it than this.

              Dude, not only do you post on ntsc-uk, you are a mod. That's the bloody definition of fanatical fanboy-ism. Now shutup and look forward to Halo 2


                Difference to me personally is: get it at midnight - play it staright away, until I fall asleep. Get it at 8am or whatever, won't be able to play it until 10pm - 22 hours difference


                  ****, I weren't too sure about going 'cos I'm working US time on Thursday but I'm gonna go check it out anyway, provided I can get the car into town alright and the boys in blue don't have anything to say about it.

                  Gonna pop down about 11:00 ish, see if anyone is about and if not, come back at 12:00. If there are stacks around, I'll park up and start taken photos of the sad, sad people


                    tried Toys R Us at lunchtime and no joy.


                      Anyone actually found a shop selling it today? Might pop into Boro and see if there's any cheeky copies going.


                        you won't get a copy form GAME or similar Indies are your only hope.


                          Ye olde market traders of Derbye are selling it now... in exchange for sexual dancing.

                          It smarts paying full whack for a game, tho.


                            game in canterbury is selling it from 12.00am tonight just gone and pre ordered it today


                              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                              Isn't it a bit sad to go out to a store at midnight just to get a video game...?
                              Not that i'm doing it cus i'm not the biggest Halo/FPS fan in the world, but i can understand why people would do it. Am picking mine up at a very nice 9.00-9.30 am. But the Japanese do it n i would if Winning Eleven 8 or MGS3 was released and i lived in Japan.
                              Last edited by JU!; 10-11-2004, 20:08.


                                Could've had yours today, dooder. They were selling in the Guild Hall market...

