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The pachinko board from hell

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    The pachinko board from hell

    I'm currently deep into Shenmue II on the XBox...

    Well, I was until I found a set of three pachinko boards down a side-alley at the top of Dragon St. in Kowloon.

    To put it bluntly, the last board (whereby you can win a fight scroll) is a ****ing nightmare. However, because I'm a completist and want to get every single move, I've dug in stubborn-style until I can do it.

    Trouble is, this board is impossible.

    So... Any Shenmue experts about that know what I'm talking about, and who can give me a few tips to get past this bastard bitch of a thing?

    Advice would be much appreciated...

    On second thoughts, how many completists are there on the forums? And what games have driven you up the wall on the way to fully finishing them off?

    I'm an RPG completist myself. I managed to get all of the cards on FFVIII's fantastic battle card system, all of the summons, everything.

    In fact, I was the same with FFX, and FFVII, although FF9 just didn't keep my interest...

    Sorry I can't help you with the Pachinko thing, I guess I'll have a blast at that soon


      I'm a Shenmue completest.

      I have 2 extra bits of bad news for ya matey. Once you have even got the move scroll, another one becomes available, so if you want to get all the moves like you say you do then your doing it twice And even after that, once you got the 2nd one it gets replaced with a Dural Gold toy, which may or may not bother you but you can get that elsewhere or not I dunno if your collecting those things.

      Tips for the actual 3rd board. Some of the things are pretty obvious, don't aim too far left or right or it'll go streight to the bottom and into the X's. Wish I had a picture, but I'll attempt to explain in words. in the middle directly at the top is something that looks like this / \ but with small gaps in the middle of each 'slash' (hope you understand this) aim for the gap on the right, and hopefully it'll bounce streight down the middle inbetween alot of pins, it's luck from there really you just have to keep trying. I found dropping the ball through the left gap harder as the ball usually bounces off to the right and the target your aiming for is slightly left of center :/

      meh, hope that helps somewhat


        And don't forget the pigeon races!


          Originally posted by Adam
          I'm a Shenmue completest.

          I have 2 extra bits of bad news for ya matey. Once you have even got the move scroll, another one becomes available, so if you want to get all the moves like you say you do then your doing it twice And even after that, once you got the 2nd one it gets replaced with a Dural Gold toy, which may or may not bother you but you can get that elsewhere or not I dunno if your collecting those things.

          Tips for the actual 3rd board. Some of the things are pretty obvious, don't aim too far left or right or it'll go streight to the bottom and into the X's. Wish I had a picture, but I'll attempt to explain in words. in the middle directly at the top is something that looks like this / \ but with small gaps in the middle of each 'slash' (hope you understand this) aim for the gap on the right, and hopefully it'll bounce streight down the middle inbetween alot of pins, it's luck from there really you just have to keep trying. I found dropping the ball through the left gap harder as the ball usually bounces off to the right and the target your aiming for is slightly left of center :/

          meh, hope that helps somewhat
          Cheers, mate. That advice really helped, and following on from it, I managed to get both moves and the gold dural after a few more tries.

          Before, I'd been aiming more to the left from the top, and hadn't really tried all that much from the right.

          Together, I must have spent something like $300 trying to nail that board fully down.

          In any case, I finally did it. Thanks for helping out.


            Originally posted by Nikorasu
            And don't forget the pigeon races!
            I think you mean the duck races.

            Yes, I've got the bronze medal (behind a shop in Wan Chai), silver medal (fighting Aileen and Izumi) and gold medal (getting a duck from the tree in Scarlet Hills and winning the race controlling the damn thing).

            I've also done the various things to buy Fangmei her present and see the birthday sequence, got all the pawnshop flyers, maps, move scrolls...


            Now I've got the rest of the best portion of the game to play.


              No probs

              I just finished the game myself last night for like the 5th time, finally mastered it. My moves own


                5th time?

                This is my 2nd time through Shenmue II.

                First was on the DC version.

                And yet, I still feel I've got so much more to see. The way Sega have modelled every single room, every single nook and cranny in Kowloon is quite frankly sick.

                The work that must have gone into this game staggers belief. I'd forgotten how good it was.


                  Very true, no other game comes close in that respect. While watching the credit sequance I noticed they had seperate guys doing each section, one for Aberdeen, one for Wanchai, one for Kowloon and one for Guilin.

