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Edge Issue 144 Thread

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    Edge Issue 144 Thread

    Just picked this up so haven't had time to look in-depth at the mag, but here's the scores....

    Halo 2 - 9
    Metroid Prime 2 - 8
    GTA:SA - 9
    POP2 - 7
    Goldeneye EA - 5
    Ghost Recon 2 - 7
    Killzone - 6
    The Getaway2 - 3
    Paper Mario2 - 8
    Shin Megami: Nocturne - 7
    Ratchet and Clank 3 - 8
    Jak 3 - 6
    Mawaru Made in Wairo - 8
    Zelda minish cap - 8
    MOH:Pasific assault - 5
    Bards Tale - 7
    Pathway to Glory(N-gage) - 8
    Kururin Squash - 6
    NFSU2 - 6

    Making of is Gauntlet
    Next month= Edge awards

    Halo 2 = 9

    Dang I was wrong, I was sure an eight was heading our way. I may have to pick this up today to find out whats going on.


      Killzone. Ouch.
      Jak 3. Ouch. Especially considering the RaC score.
      MOH. Ouch.
      Getaway. It burns, it burns.
      PoP2. Ooh. What did PoP1 get?

      GTA:SA is the only sequel that seems to have improved upon the original*

      * In Edge's eyes.


        Is it in the shops?


          GTA:SA - 9
          I'd like to know what they said about this, it's just more of the same, imo.

          The Getaway2 - 3
          I thought they overrated the first one giving it a 6, I shouldn't really want it to get a bad score but after watching the GamerTV review I'm glad it's got a rubbish score, it looks just as **** as the first one.
          Last edited by JammyD; 19-11-2004, 12:00.


            I think POP got a 9.

            It's not in the shops yet, sub issues will be delivered tomorrow.


              Originally posted by Mad Gear
              sub issues will be delivered tomorrow.
              I bet mine doesnt turn up as usual !


                And so the debate begins.

                The MOH score is pretty nuts, although I have only played the SP demo. (thought it was excellent)

                I would have given Halo 2 a 10 personally. It's better than the original, and for me the best first person shooter ever created. Half Life 2, the second best FPS ever, - those driving sections and difficulty spikes would drop it a point to 9.


                  I think a 9 for Halo 2 is about right, but I need more info on PoP2. I am really looking forward this as I am going through it again on the XBox.


                    It's about time the Edge awards turned. It's been about 18months since the last one.

                    POP2 sounds disappointing but its not much of a surprise when they've turned one Ubisoft's best titles into Evanescence: The Game.


                      Whats this Pathway to Glory all about then?


                        Originally posted by Mad Gear
                        Ratchet and Clank 3 - 8
                        Jak 3 - 6
                        I've briefly played both of these (a few hours each) and would say that RaC is the better game.
                        Happy with the Killzone score, thought it was a great game which got repetitive quickly andHalo 2 I would have given an 8 (but then I don't use XBOX live)

                        Can't wait for the issue - hope they tidied up the look of the inbox and biffo's column.


                          What did Edge say about the Halo2 multiplayer??


                            Zelda minish cap - 8
                            Surprised nobody's mentioned this score. I'd be interested to hear their 'complaints' about this one. Almost everyone who has touched the game calls it comparable to LTTP. Can anyone summarise the review?


                              Originally posted by Treble
                              Surprised nobody's mentioned this score. I'd be interested to hear their 'complaints' about this one. Almost everyone who has touched the game calls it comparable to LTTP. Can anyone summarise the review?
                              Don't you know that 8 is a highly rated score according to their scoring system

