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gamecube harddrive?

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    gamecube harddrive?

    Just watched gamezville and one of the news items was about a 40 gig harddrive for the game cube, can any1 shed any light on this?
    Funny thing was the presenter turned his nose up and said "the xbox has 120 gigs and thats a monster"!
    I`ll informed gimp?
    Last edited by huxley; 26-11-2004, 14:48.

    No, there isn't hard drive for GC, once just another f-up by Games-vile.


      Funny thing was the presenter turned his nose up and said "the xbox has 120 gigs and thats a monster"!
      I`ll informed gimp?

      How do these people get away with such stupidity - both MS and Nintendo should pwn them.


        Perhaps they got the info from here

        Or maybe from this 2001 article here
        Last edited by MartyG; 26-11-2004, 14:55.


          heh, he was probably thinking of his modded XBox. Ooops!


            i have owned 2 gamecubes and i love it
            Innocent but funny.

            This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!This Sucks! Get a Platinum!
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            I love my gamecube.Its small and cheap
            Sounds like the best women

            The gamecube has a very good harddrive
            There you go. You heard it here first. Ninty in HD shocker.

            comes in purple
            Purple isnt the colour of choice kids.


              and that was the first and last time I watch Gamzville!


                Originally posted by Ginza
                Purple isnt the colour of choice kids.
                Oh dear. If he (and I feel fairly confident in assuming its a 'he') dislikes the Cube because its possible (though not necessary) to get one in purple, I fear for the state of his PS2 when he finds out about the Sakura Pink one.


                  Originally posted by huxley
                  Just watched gamezville ...
                  Say that again and you might get banned!


                    I still cant get over the the first and only time i watched Gamezville they reviews Tomb raider and kept refering to it as a FPS.


                      Originally posted by Resonance
                      Say that again and you might get banned!
                      *hides in corner*


                        Wow, I actually have a Gamecube HD, I opened it up earlier and had a peek- took a pic for you lot:

                        Remember, this is an ACTUAL PHOTO of the inside of a G3's HD!!!!!!!!!


                          gamezville thinks they are the "best" games show, hehe losers there news is so late and i think no wait i know that they dont play games, just on camera they play( they must think charlies angels game is good!>_<)


                            The Games "Guru" once said that Crazy Taxi was only on Dreamcast, and the PS2 had Crazy Taxi 2...

