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Annoying enemies

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    Annoying enemies

    Every game has them; enemies that irk as though they were specifically designed to test your patience. If you can think of an in-game enemy that irritates you then discuss it here.

    I always hated the large beetles in Turok. You often missed them and they'd nip at your heels every so often, shaving your health.

    The same could be said of the giant cockroaches in the first two Silent Hill games. What's more, you actually had to waste bullets on the little bastards. Silent Hill 3 had those humanoid things that crawled along the ground. I HATED those with a passion. They were hard to target and kept on knocking me over. Grr. ft:

    So which game enemies do your head in, and why? The mic is yours.
    Last edited by Ady; 01-12-2004, 12:01. Reason: Corrected typo in title

    Headcrabs in Half Life 2, especially the ones on heat.

    The flying demons in Ghouls and Ghosts, jesus it took me a while to get down the method to killing them, but before that it was just blind luck, or running past them at the speed of light.

    Might want to spell the title right, too


      The Flood. They piss me right off. They swarm at you out of nowhere and (in Halo 2 anyway) have an annoying ability to kick my arse.


        The cheating computer in Super Mario Kart. It didn't matter which character it chose as your rival, you were guaranteed that he/she would be right with you for the whole race, and then if you managed to hit them with something, you could watch the map screen in disbelief as it went back up through the ranks in about 5 seconds.

        Oh, and the whales in Bubble Bobble if you let them turn pink.


          any headcrab in half life 2 especially those fast ones
          the imps in doom 3 became very annoying after a while
          and anything in aliens vs predetor 2


            S1NGHO as any character on SF3. It's like Gill all over again >_<


              Those ninjas with the exploding darts in Ninja Gaiden. Bastards. Oh, Alma as well. Ho.

              Pro Evo 4. If it's a tight game, trust the AI to lend a hand to your keeper letting in a feeble effort too.

              The Flood in both Halo 1 & 2.


                Yeah, headcrabs for sure.

                Those little flying robots with the spinning blades in HL2 can also be annoying. Especially when I have no ammo or health. Still it is fun to smack them with the crowbar, or better still, the gravity gun.


                  Every enemy in Killzone.


                    Originally posted by Bleeders
                    Those ninjas with the exploding darts in Ninja Gaiden.
                    I've got to second that, the only enemy that I would dread encountering, the rest you could get the hang of after a bit of practise. They on the other hand lead to many an unfortunate demise.


                      Originally posted by Mr Pump
                      I've got to second that, the only enemy that I would dread encountering, the rest you could get the hang of after a bit of practise. They on the other hand lead to many an unfortunate demise.
                      Yep, agreed. The only in-game enemies I would cowardly run away from like a big girl if I were presented the opportunity.


                        Any enemy in Prince of Persia, SOT.

                        Specifically, though, the evil-wizard-with-a-turban bloke in Prince of Persia, SOT. That git would knock you down (even if blocking) by swiping your legs away and due to the respawning enemy lameness, one of the many "grunt" type bad guys would spear your with their pikes.

                        Also those banshee beetchez were a problem in numbers, mostly due to their propensity for respawning... grrrr.


                          Any enemy in a FPS that flys and can chage direction quickly, like those flying aliens on Halo2 there a bitch to hit.


                            i have a another from halflife 2
                            (LOUD VOICE)

                            it takes like 12 rockets to kill them on easy!


                              Three actually.

                              Five on normal and seven on hard. Although depending on the setpiece, they can sometimes take a little more occasionally.

                              I love the striders in Half-Life 2. Awesome enemy, fearsome, ****, ****, run run! kind of enemy that strike both dread and awe when they finally arrive.

                              Most annoying for me? Those black headcrabs which eliminate your energy to 1. They scare the crap out of me when I'm in a room with them and both zombies or combine.

