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Damn you wavebird

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    Damn you wavebird

    Final boss - metroid prime, see if you can picture the scene.

    20 minutes into 3rd attempt, boss energy very low - blatantly one hit to go before I conquer all , Samus energy also very low .

    Samus goes to charge her super missile attack to wait for a yellow glint in bosses eye to indicate she can use this attack.

    Beam fully charged just waiting for the right moment to end all Talon IV's problems and be the hero/heroine.

    The yellow glint comes and I hammer the firebutton and briefly expect to sit down and watch the ending in peace - however nothing happens , charge beam dies and I don't shoot the missile!!!

    Perplexed, I begin evasive manouvers - but still nothing happens!!! For a futile moment I think its some kind of Eternal Darkness style joke. Then the realisation hits - I look down at the wavebird and where there should be a glowing yellow light there is only darkness

    Without even being able to pause I scrabble for the original controller, but don't get more than halfway across the lounge before I am unsportingly killed whilst being unable to move ft:

    God damn you Nintendo, could you not provide us with some kind of warning when the batteries where running low!

    Having said that the batteries have lasted for quite a while, all the way through luigi's mansion, eternal darkeness and almost all the way through Metroid Prime (over 42 solid play on game saves for all 3!)

    Oh well Metroid Prime will have to wait for another day

    That is an unlucky story.

    Luckily for me each of the times my WaveBird has died on me I was in a more sedate part of a game.


      The light on mine went dim for a good 20 mins before it died. One to watch!


        Ours did the same on my wife after 90 minutes of Animal Crossing play last night, as well. "No biggie", I thought, "I'll just switch it to a normal controller until I remember where the AA batteries are.

        No, replies, Mr Nook. Unplugging the controller means a visit to the title screen. Do not pass Go, do not bother saving first. Harsh, that guy.


          I've also noticed mine becoming less responsive as the battery dies. Never had it just drop dead on me. That's a shame.

          I shouldn't laugh...


            Yeah, I was having trouble with it becoming unresponsive for ages before it completely died.


              The light flickers on mine when its about to go.


                The batteries went out on mine while I was jumping over lava
                Frantically switched to another wavebird but the batteries were dead on that also.
                Then I got a knife and stuck in batteries from GBA, they were dead too.
                By now , Samus's health has gone from around 12 energy tanks to just one and just as I find the regular controller she dies on me. Typical.


                  Maybe they should have fitted a DC power socket !


                    If the controller dies, punch Open on the console and as soon as the thing starts to load again, it should hopefully freeze and ask you to close the cover.


                      Another problem with the wavebirds is that there just too easy to throw.


                        Yes... once I have thrown mine on the floor


                          Unlucky man, you must be real pissed off.
                          A similar thing happened to me ages ago when the fuse in something went and all the power for upstairs was cut off. It just so happened that I was playing Jet Force Gemini at the time and was sooooo close to beating the last boss. For anybody who doesn't know, Mizar from JFG is possibly the hardest boss ever in any game.
                          In disgust, I didn't play the game for a while. Im crap at the game now and I have never completed it and probably never will. ft:


                            Mine went down playin Zelda, Link ws goin backwards n stuff in the wrong direction, i wondered what the hell ws happenin then relised my Wave Bird needed new batteries. They have a warnin light on the Game Boy why not the Wave Bird?

