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game again ps-2 sales

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    game again ps-2 sales

    those twats at game are forcing you to buy a ps-2 pack that you don't want. I picked up a thin model yesterday but they made me buy a memory card and a ****e game controller with it at minimum. I'm sure thats not legal and I've sent an email to their HQ complaining.

    It's the same pretty much everywhere i think now.

    My mate picked one up at Comet, he had to buy it with mem card, extra pad and two games he wasn't even keen on having!

    Best thing was though the guy in the shop told him the PS3 had just been released in China and had already sold 1.2 billion consoles


      Originally posted by Mad Gear
      Best thing was though the guy in the shop told him the PS3 had just been released in China and had already sold 1.2 billion consoles
      feck me

      it is cheeky but i guess high street stores know they are in high demand so they will do their best to get more money from the sale, but tmake you think at the same time you are saving loads

      went into WHSmiths yesterday and they are doing a sale on cd's, where you buy 2 and save ?5 and they are at ?12.99 each, over the road in woolies you buy 1 get the second half price and they are at ?15.99

      everybodies at it, glad i dont have any children yet as it must be a killer at christmas 'keeping up with the joneses'


        There was an article about this on the BBC last week. Apparently it's completely legal, and entirely gittish.

        Just import tbh.


          I get my missus to pick me CD's up at Sainsbury's.
          ?9.79 - 15% discount=cheaper than PLAY.

          Quite often they do double CD's at the same price.


            the thing about buying the machine with the mem card and extras is to do with the deals they do

            when i worked at GAME we didn't seel many machines on their own

            it would appear that they are only selling the deals with extras and not solus machines

            it is of course legal as they simply say that those are the deals they are doing

            its like buying an ice cream and being told you can only buy one with a flake


              At Dixons you can buy them on thier own. They want you to buy packages because the margin on them increases loads, but unless the person serving you is a selfish ****, you can get it for ?104.99. Pity they have none in stock.


                posted about this last week, its nit just game

                pc world
                toys r us

                are all doing the same thing!


                  Originally posted by Mad Gear
                  I get my missus to pick me CD's up at Sainsbury's.
                  ?9.79 - 15% discount=cheaper than PLAY.

                  Quite often they do double CD's at the same price.
                  Bittorrent tbh .


                    It's entirely legal as they can choose what they sell to who they want.
                    That doesn't stop it being the epitome of cun*ishness though.
                    Neil got off lightly though.

                    In the GAME I work at the minimum sale price was ?155 for the 100+ machines we got in on Friday (sold them all BTW), enforced by the regional manager. This was basically a pack with two games (not bad actually, choose from NFS2, Fifa05, Killzone, Tiger Woods 05 and Getwaway) and a crappy pad.

                    This then got increased to a minimum ?175 sale yesterday night and will be ?195 for next weeks delivery of them, which is so morally repugnant to me that I've actually told my boss I'd rather walk (been there for 3 years this Xmas) than force that on people. We'll see if it comes to that or whether he'll allow me to not have to sell any PS2's at all.

                    The manager of each store is also insistent that we sell no lower than this as the restock next week is being allocated to those stores that made the most money from the last batch.

                    I actually felt so bad yesterday of forcing a ?175 sale on a customer yesterday that I actually spent the entire transaction apologizing and empathizing. This culminated in me having a dream about the said customer, the absolute cu*tishness of what I'd done played that heavily on my mind.
                    Guess I'd never be able to run a business with that reaction though, I just felt so bad.
                    Last edited by bowser123; 12-12-2004, 18:23.


                      What the dream?


                        That's all I got asked by the people I work with when I told them today.
                        In the dream I just served the gentleman again, with his little daughter again picking the games.
                        So basically just what happened in reality.

                        The bad thing in reality was that the guy had a budget and was only in to spend around ?160. The other ?20 he had on him was for a night at the cinema with food (****ing expensive at night the cinema), but he couldn't take his little girl because I cleared all his money out.
                        I still feel horrid now TBH.
                        Last edited by bowser123; 12-12-2004, 18:27.


                          I personally can't understand why there is a sudden stampede for the ps2. I own all 3 of the major consoles and to me it's by far the weakest of the bunch. There is only a handful of games on the machine that are worth getting (that you can't get on another platform) - like Ico and Gradius V.


                            You forget that PS2's have a built in smart clock that slowly renders the unit dodgy after a while. Then, after exactly 7th months, 13 hours, 24 minutes and 13 seconds of the machine being out of warranty the smart clock completely self destruct's and makes the machine entirely unusable.

                            That's THE emotion engine in action for you.

                            The amount of people that have bought one and commented that it's a replacement machine is freakishly high.


                              Yeah the build quality isn't its strongest point. Or it's graphics. Or it's dvd drive. Or it's sound. Or it's ability to play dvd movies back very poorly. Nice expensive memory cards though.

                              The joypads aren't too bad either.

