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GBA Shooters

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    I'd play Mercs on the GBA if only it was actually available.


      Wow Mercs with a 2/3 player link up.

      That would be really nice. 8)


        Originally posted by camps
        i agree with Sidez - shmups on the GBA are a complete waste of time, tried playing both Phalanx and Gradius Galaxies and both are near to unplayable -- save your money and use it to buy something else

        What complete crap, Gradius is a piece of piss to play on the GBA, you must be rubbish at it


          you play it on your gba screen - me i will play it by other methods on my 29" screen

          nuff said



            I can see there might be issues with shooters on the GBA (miniscule invisble bullets for one) hence why I ask for recommendations. But as a shooter fan at heart (and increasingly so) my lunch break is painfully devoid of shooter action at the moment.

            I've considered installing some of the PomPom games on my work PC but the IT police would soon spot it and moan and grumble and make me take it off. But I ask you - what is the point of work giving me a 2.4GHz PC with a top of the range ATI card (what is it 9700 or something, I forget) if there not going to let me install games on it. Crazy world.


              Originally posted by camps
              you play it on your gba screen - me i will play it by other methods on my 29" screen

              nuff said

              of course shooters are better on a big screen. If you're having trouble making stuff out on the gba screen you must need your eyes tested


                Originally posted by camps
                you play it on your gba screen - me i will play it by other methods on my 29" screen

                nuff said

                Carry your 29" TV on the train or when you go on holiday do you?

                No, didn't think so.

                Gradius is an excellent shooter and is supremely playable on the SP. If you can't get to grips with it when a ton of people are saying it's great then think about accepting the fact that you just might be wrong.


