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Most wanted DS games

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    Most wanted DS games

    What are peoples top 3 most wanted DS games?

    I saw a poll on another site and Advance Wars was miles ahead of the likes of Metroid, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing.

    My top 3 are as follows

    3) Snowboard Kids DS, i loved the N64 version
    2) Mario Kart DS, i smell some great karting action, however can it be better than the perfection that was Mario Kart Super Circut?
    1) Animal Crossing DS, done right and this could showcase the DS and it's communication methods to the fullest. I can't wait to walk back into Tom Nooks store and start buying up all the random items

    3)Ganbare Goeman - Never got to play the Super Famicom version but always wanted to
    2) Animal Crossing - Loved it on the GC and it seems ideally suited to the DS
    1) Yoshi Touch and Go - It looks like the first Nintendo title that will fully embrace the capabilities of the DS.


      Yoshi Touch and Go and Advance Wars DS, nothing else really stands out yet. Wario Ware Touch, obviously, but that's already out.


        Just Mario Kart - only reason I'm buying one.

        Yoshi Touch & Go obviously


          got the game already

          touch wario ware

          that was the only reason i got a DS and i'm loving it


            1) Mario Kart DS
            2) Winning Eleven whatever
            3) Yoshi Touch and Go


              Pokemon pinball DS!!!!

              Me wants


                Being as they've not been mentioned... Kirby and Viewtiful Joe.

                But in the meantime it's really gotta be Animal Crossing, A-Wars and Yosh.
                Meteos could be a good 'un too. And Mario Kart.

                Did I miss any?


                  Mario 5 >_<


                    Yoshi Touch and Go
                    Mario Kart


                      there are so many games.....

                      Wave Race DS
                      F-Zero DS
                      Mario Tennis DS (<WiFi )
                      Earthbound DS (cancelled N64 game)
                      Mario Kart DS
                      Super Mario Bros. DS
                      Winning Eleven DS

                      top 3:

                      1) Mario Kart DS (hopefully SNES tracks and N64 battle maps included)
                      2) Meteos
                      3) Advance Wars DS


                        I'm sorry but I am going to labour this point, a space trading game, would basically rock my world. Spaceship, space, spacestations, asteroids, planets, solarsystems... Basically Elite or Elite 2 or some butchered hybrid that wasn't trying to be too clever would just be fantasmagorical:

                        It was made up of in the region of 250,000 lines of 68000 assembler, and as such was one of the largest (and last) commercial programs to be written entirely in assembler*. Chris Sawyer (now of Rollercoaster Tycoon fame) did the mammoth task of porting it to the 80286 for the PC.
                        See now, that's Elite 2, we just need some super programming dude, a wedge of cash, and me standing behind them perminantly, shouting encouraging things, and we'd all have Elite 2 on the DS....

                        And to push the envelope, you could have wifi Elite where you'd all club together, sit in a big circle and trade and kill each other in a contigious universe... ok well that wouldn't work, but hell, I can dream...


                          I'm quite looking forward to "Another" mainly becuase theres so little known about it so far. I imagine the combination of the DS's input methods and Nintendo's inventiveness could well breath some life back into the adventure genre. Also I want to know what this whole DemaSked business is about...

                          After that theres the obvious ones - Animal Crossing, Yoshi Touch and Go, and pretty much all the in house stuff along with a nice new Fire Emblem


                            I'm looking forward to Tendo Dokuta, and my copy arrived in London this morning


                              Dagnammit, they could port Homeworld....

