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A plea to people who've played OutRun 2 SP..

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    A plea to people who've played OutRun 2 SP..

    Greetings everyone, I hope you're doing well. Listen...I'm sorry to bother you guys, but I was hoping you can do me a favor. Can one of you who are loving in either Japan or Asia please go to an arcade with the new OutRun 2 SP upgrade, shoot some good quality movies of it and upload it to the web? Please?

    I am literally desperate to see this game in motion. I am feverishly shaking with anticipation and persperation desperation to see the Milky Way stage and what it looks like in motion.

    Please guys...I know one of you have played OR2 SP. I will paypal you $10 for you do shoot high res video of the game being played through the Milky Way stage and send the movies to me!

    You've came through for us in the past and I know you'll come through again.

    Please give us OR2 SP movies as soon as humanly possible and I will paypal you $10!! Thanks and take care my friends

    Please take a look at the following screenshots to see why I so desperately want to see movies of this game...let alone play it!!!

    last but least....MILKY WAY STAGE!!!


    Originally posted by isamu
    Can one of you who are loving in either Japan or Asia

    Only on the weekends mate.....


      Looks mighty purty.


        Beautiful, let hope we will see a XBOX version of the upgrade by the summer.


          Originally posted by Legendary
          Beautiful, let hope we will see a XBOX version of the upgrade by the summer.
          Considering how well the original Xbox port of OR2 sold (not at all), I think it would take a miracle of some sorts for us to get this one.

          *removed - thread derail
          Last edited by marcus; 29-12-2004, 08:45.


            The Milky Way stage is niiiice, especially when you reach the Goal and the Space Shuttle takes off in the background. It's one of those games you play with a big smile on your face.


              I think that considering how popular Outrun2 has become in the UK arcades over the last year the chances of a lot of machines being converted to SP in the near future are pretty good tbh.

              I personally think that the chances of an XBox version are virtually nil, so as long as it gets to the UK arcades then i'll be a very happy man.


                Yup, although those shots have me foaming. Maybe there might be an Xbox Live update at some time (although considering the content which would change, I doubt it).


                  Judging by the half arsed X-Box live support from Sumo a Live download of SP tracks is highly unlikely.


                    Originally posted by Nisa
                    Judging by the half arsed X-Box live support from Sumo a Live download of SP tracks is highly unlikely.
                    Did you guy know that the Japanese version has been tweaked and that the bonus stages have new animations added to them?


                      *NEW SP FOOTAGE*

                      Outrun 2 SP video courtey of Ratox0 from Gamefaqs! No Sunny Beach because we skipped it due to the memory card limit in his camera. He needs to get a larger memory card so yeah >_<. </i>

                      Anyway it's simply AWESOME!!!!!! Thanks so much to Ratix for going through the trouble of taking these vid. They aren't the best quality in the world but it'll do until Marubaku or Kyotto_Mecca gets their vids out. Damn....I gotta email Marubaku and beg them to hurry up and post new SP vids! Their vid quality is OUTSTANDING!

                      Anyway keep the vids coming Ratix!!! We'll take 'em any way we can!

                      Man.....Milky Way looks orgasmic! Just like how I thought it would look! Those shooting stars are gorgeous!!!

                      Anyway I will be looking for this game in Los Angeles where I live. Are there any other L.A. residents here? Have any of you been to an arcade that has OutRun 2? If so, what are the chances they will get SP? And which arcade is it at?


                        Originally posted by isamu
                        Did you guy know that the Japanese version has been tweaked and that the bonus stages have new animations added to them?
                        Not according to the developer who posts here...


                          Originally posted by isamu
                          *NEW SP FOOTAGE*

                          Outrun 2 SP video courtey of Ratox0 from Gamefaqs! No Sunny Beach because we skipped it due to the memory card limit in his camera. He needs to get a larger memory card so yeah >_<. </i>
                          Thanks for that isamu...looks stunning.

                          If my local arcades don't upgrade shortly i can see myself spending a serious amount of Yen on this when i'm in Tokyo during March.


                            Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                            Not according to the developer who posts here...
                            Yeah but the same bloke said they were working on fixing all the Live problems with the game...who knows what to believe.


                              This reminds me of when Planet Harriers came out and everyone was hoping and hoping Sega would port it to the Dreamcast.

                              But it never came.

                              At least we have one version of OR2 at home. We *never* got Planet Harriers in any form on any system.

