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Sony getting the child market

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    Sony getting the child market

    As gamers are getting older, do you think that Nintendo may lose their grip on children when younger gamers become the children of adult gamers who will be playing on Sony hardware (assuming that over the next 5-10 years the market share of systems is similar to this and the previous generation of systems) and will therefore just by games for thier kids as opposed to buying a different system?

    Not all Nintendo fans are kids.


      Of course, but they wouldn't be well off if they lost a wad of that market.

      What I'm thinking is that when it reaches a stage when parents and their kids start playing together will Sony be in a better position to have a ststem which caters to what Miyamoto has always aimed for (games the entire family can play).


        I feel that all the multiplayer family fun games will always be found on Nintendo machines. Thats not to say they're exclusive to Ninty or anything but its not something I feel has been encouraged as much by others in the past.

        I mean, Sony have never even included 4 player control ports so why should they start anytime soon. Slightly more mature/cutting edge games kick started the PsOne over here (Tekken,RR and Wipeout) and the PS2 hasnt changed that trend (MGS2, TTT, GT3 and ICO).


          I think Eye toy is quite significant in that respect.


            Its funny really. Despite people claiming the GameCube is the kiddy machine, I can't think of one kiddy game actually released. However, on the PSX there were games like Tweenies, Teletubbies and the likes released. Same trends on the PS2 likely to follow - surely the Sony console is already the home of kiddy games, just its pasted over by the older players?


              Most kids actually own PS2s rather than Gamecubes, though. Because your image is very important at that age, and since Nintendo is labelled as a "kids" compnay, you don't wan't to associate with Nintendo for fear that you'll be labelled "kiddy", even though you actually are a kid. Kids don't want to be seen as kids, especially around adolescence, so they buy stuff they and others see as cool and mature. Because Sony have "mature" titles like GTA, and Nintendo have "kiddy" titles like SMS, kids buy PS2s instead of GCs. So by aiming for the family/kids market, Nintendo have in fact alienated and driven away actual kids.

              Generally, kids under 8 aren't really bought consoles, and those at around 8 and above are going through a guns, violence, "GI Joe" phase, so GTA appeals to them and SMS doesn't. This is echoed the older you get, except violence and non-violence are replaced by "cool" and "kiddy". I bet a lot of you 20+ people think this is a load of ****, but a lot of kids now don't find Mario appealing in the way you first did back in the 80s.


                I'm glad I wasn't brought up thinking that PlayStation was better than N64 or I'd of missed out on loads of Nintendo greats. That's partly because it was all NES and SNES when I was little. I feel for these kids being brought up on only on PS1 and PS2 cos they're gonna miss out on some greats.


                  I wonder if all the kids who play Pokemon now will continue to when they're older and look back fondly at it, like we do with Mario? Maybe then the series will finally get the respect it deserves. But then again, Nintendo would have to start making console Pokemon games of the same quality as their Mario and Zelda games for that to happen.

                  And I agree that most kids these days own Playstations. I definately think GameCube has become more of a niche/hardcore machine, probably not what Nintendo wanted as it's not selling as fast as N64, but I see companies like THQ and Konami have been surprised by the pathetic sales of their Disney/Nickelodeon on GameCube and are putting more adult content on it.

                  I do think Nintendo will get more of it's child audience back if they bring out some GameCube Pokemon games though. Pokemon Ruby/Saphire have sold 4 million in Japan already, the 'fad' is still as strong as ever.

