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Great movie of Tony Hawks on PSP

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    Great movie of Tony Hawks on PSP

    Looks pretty impressive!

    checked it out a few days back, meant to make a post about it. Yeah looks seriously impressive. If I didn't know any better I wouldn't have even guessed it was the PSP.


      It looks amazing, but isn't it just the PS2 game? If it is, why would you want the same game twice (or one that looks near identical?)


        So that you could play it on the bus.

        I'm guessing a lot of games like this don't really appeal to people on home consoles, but if you could just whip out the handheld and have a quick blast, it'd be a different matter.
        Last edited by Fire; 31-12-2004, 11:53.


          Originally posted by Fire
          So that you could play it on the bus.
          That's a pretty poor excuse though surely?. I want my PSP games to be more then portable ports of the PS2 ones. (I know this is also true for the DS, but at least there's a sizeable gap between when the game was first released).

          Is this what Sony meant when it said you could play a game on your ps2, then play it on your psp, before returning to your ps2? If it is then they can sod off.


            Its a fair point id guess. Though you could also ask why people bothered with the GBA versions of the hawk series since it only really brought isometic viewpoints to the party. At least thats what i gathered from my play on it a while back. Though also the point that you can take thug2 wherever now is also a fair one.
            One thing id question is the battery life when playing this. Im no technical expert but it looks to me a somewhat more intensive than Ridge Racers. Your character looks to be well animated, the levels seem to be as big as they ever were, theres moveable objects and general debris about the place along with people walking about and other vehicles. Plus the fast paced changes of movement would probably tax the system a fair bit.


              go anywhere with your skateboard, both in- and out-game


                That's impressed me a little bit, actually, although I'll never dare play it on an expensive hand-held system, with my propensity to throw joypads while playing that game. Was THUG2 any good, by the way?

                edit - If they brought out the first JSR on the PSP with a fixed camera, it'd totally sell the console for me, I think. I hated the lack of timer in JSRF.
                Last edited by Ersatz Nihilist; 31-12-2004, 15:23.


                  Originally posted by Strider
                  It looks amazing, but isn't it just the PS2 game? If it is, why would you want the same game twice (or one that looks near identical?)
                  Yeah but you dont have to buy the same game on the PSP and PS2 do you?


                    Originally posted by Olympichero
                    Yeah but you dont have to buy the same game on the PSP and PS2 do you?
                    You do if you want to play the game on the move and at home. Sony said ages ago in a press release that you'd be able to play on your ps2, then play on your psp and then return to your ps2 whenever you wanted. Sounds a bit naff to me.


                      Originally posted by Strider
                      You do if you want to play the game on the move and at home. Sony said ages ago in a press release that you'd be able to play on your ps2, then play on your psp and then return to your ps2 whenever you wanted. Sounds a bit naff to me.
                      Yeah, but Sega said the same thing with the VMU, and that worked really well didn't it? >_<

                      Bloody thing couldn't even play Snake!


                        Looks impressive enough although I've never really been a fan of the series. If Jet Set Radio were to make it's way to the PSP though...


                          Originally posted by Strider
                          You do if you want to play the game on the move and at home. Sony said ages ago in a press release that you'd be able to play on your ps2, then play on your psp and then return to your ps2 whenever you wanted. Sounds a bit naff to me.
                          Specifics were never given though, and it's not outside of the realms of possibility that there could be games that are downloaded to a memory stick on the PSP so you can develop your character in the PSP before uploading it back to the PS2.

                          It was never suggested that you could use the same game itself, which just wouldn't be physically possible. Would it?


                            Originally posted by Number45
                            It was never suggested that you could use the same game itself, which just wouldn't be physically possible. Would it?
                            indeed, but it does seem to suggest that Sony seem quite happy to sell near identical/identical versions of the same game.


                              Well they're hardly likely to commit commercial suicide by refusing licence for any ports, which I know was alluded to originally. They'll need the cash cow games to subsidise any attempt at innovation they may be planning... if they're planning anything at all of course.

                              We'll see. It's been a fairly inauspicious start so far but there's a long long way to go yet.

