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Preaching in Video Games

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    Preaching in Video Games

    World of Warcraft Offers Christians the challenge of sharing Christ's message in a perilous, lava soaked, environment. And with their new Expansion Pack - Everything is underwater! So It is easy to do virtual baptisms!

    They're getting everywhere. Your local high street isn't the only place you get shouted at!

    Originally posted by Article
    "I think the reason so many people are open to hearing about Jesus in the World of Warcraft is because the majority of people who play the game are lonely kids who don't have any friends. I doubt any of them play sports so you can pretty much guess that there are lots of gay boys and fat little pale-faced Wiccan girls on the servers who hate themselves and escape into virtual characters so they don't have to deal with their pathetic lives. When they hear that someone loves them, even if it is just the Lord Jesus Christ, they always want to hear more!"
    Full of gay boys? Kids with no friends? WELL DONE FOR INVALIDATING EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID!

    Heh lol, it's a hoax. Check the "gay boys" link out. XD

    Last edited by Tom Salter; 18-01-2005, 10:06.

    Don't you mean "Well done for stereotyping people in such a bigoted fashion"?

    "Pathetic lives"? That's not very Christian now, is it?

    EDIT: D'oh - that's no fun.


      I think someone is pulling that site's leg with that article.

      Take a look at the other articles - spoof site.


        Well it's funny anyway :P

        I really wouldn't put it past some people though. :P


          Nope, Landover Baptist is a parody site. Definite, certain, etc.


            Ha ha



              Of course it is. Read the article about 'Jesus will give you a PS2'.


                What about this then:





                    Originally posted by Mr_Sands
                    What about this then:

                    All those games involve shooting someone (often an evil foreigner) in the head. I hardly think you can do good witnessing if you're ducking to avoid a rocket.

                    A MMORPG would make more sense. Though, then again, those games are free for everyone to play.

