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Crusader: No Remorse

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    Crusader: No Remorse

    I was sitting out in the garden just before, slightly drunk and had a very strong urge to play [i]this[/] game...

    I know it was too easy and I'm probably thinking it's better with my retrovision glasses on, but doing a sideways gambole into a room and then spraying it with a machine gun would really hit the spot right now.

    Does anyone else remember this (on PC)? Did anyone else think it was any good?

    I remember it. I didn't like it, sorry. However, It came out on Saturn as well, so you could relive memories using a good old Saturn pad, if you wanted to.


      I thought it was quite spiffy personally


        I remember it having some amazing music. All composed by a Dude called "Andrew Sega" aka "Necros" of the demoscene. He was working at straylight at the time Crusader was released. His most recent soundtrack is Freelancer on the PC.

        Shameless plug:

        He now composes under the guise of "The Alpha Conspiracy". His first album "cipher" kicks majorly. All the tracks are available for free download, but you should check out "Winter" which is an amazing electronica track. His new album "Aura" is out next month I think.

        He has remixed a recent Delirium track which will be on the single.

        By the way... I thought Crusader rocked.


          Yep, i remember it. 3D iso space adventure.
          It was one of the few games of the time that had decent explosions. The control was a bit 'sticky' but it was quite a nice game. Not quite action packed enough for me, but it was satisfying, blowing **** up.
          Until you ran outta ammo.

