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(Quickie) interview with Nobuo Uematsu in today's Metro

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    (Quickie) interview with Nobuo Uematsu in today's Metro

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    Wishes he was Elton John, apparently.

    Is Metro turning into a games mag? Yesterday they had a section on the PSP and Nintendo DS.


      Originally posted by Crossed fingers
      Is Metro turning into a games mag? Yesterday they had a section on the PSP and Nintendo DS.
      Roffle! Complete with ripoff 'where to purchase' recommendations!

      But, yeah, at least they do articles putting games in a decent (mature) light sometimes... which considering they're a Northcliffe (Daily Mail) publication...

      I used to work for Northcliffe, fact fans.


        Got a surprise when I saw this on the bus today.

        WHy would they suddenly do an interview? Is he over here?

        Regarding that PSP/DS article - the PSP costs ?300, the DS is ?250 and is also a PDA - it was total crap.


          It "only plays games" was used so many times in that handheld feature. It's like as if playing games is some kind of secondary feature to a games machine to these people.


            Only children play games, sheesh. Us adults play Interactive Entertainment. Kinda like comics and graphic novels (come on!).


              That interviewer didn't seem to realise that Uematsu is actually a member of the Black Mages.

              Oh and the portable article was ramshank! "There's a possibility that the DS could double up as a PDA". Dickheads.


                Cheers anephric that was a nice reade so Metro is now brilliant in my eyes Nice to hear what he had to say and i look forward to FF:VII Advent Children, geese that was hard to type Final fantasy needs to get shorter names.

