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When is a slur not a slur?

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    When is a slur not a slur?

    When gamers refer to something as a Jap unit, Jap Cube, or Jap PSP, is that an ethnic slur?

    When I use the term Jap I mean NTSC/J region locked games. The same for US and the same when I use PAL. That didn't stop the politically correct brigade from thinking they needed to slap me on the wrist when I wrote the term Jap in front of the PSP.

    Am I being racist?

    We had a big debate about this ages ago. Personally I'm the same as you Baroque on the subject, but I just write JPN now. Just as easy and stops any potential trouble or upset

    A while back you couldn't even type JAP BTW as the forum filter automatically changed it...


      I hate all this PC's gone way over the top these days.

      I personally use the term JAP all the time, not because i'm intentionally trying to cause controversy but the simple fact that I don't believe nor am I aware it is offensive to anyone. Merely an abbreviation of 'Japanese' in my eyes.


        I really don't see anything wrong with calling someone from Japan a Jap. IMO it's less offensive than calling an Englishman a Pom or a Limey and I don't see anything wrong with calling an Englishman those. However calling a blackman a wog is wrong


          This has all been done to death in the last thread, this is just repeating whats already been said, so Im gona close this. Have a read of the other thread, if theres still comments, then feel free to reply there.

