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Some advice about NGPC

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    Some advice about NGPC

    Looks like i am about to pick up a NGPC, i have been after one for a while now and i have finaly put down my GBA so i have a bit of spare time.

    I know about Metal Slug 1 and 2

    but what other games are worth a look?

    Also i would like to know if the console can play games from any region like GBA or not, also i seam to recall its backlit is that true?

    If anybody has any games going PM me and we can cut a trade or a sale.

    Im looking for Metal Slug 2 and Capcom Vs SNK MOTM and any other good games.

    they play any region games. If you arent fussy about boxes etc theres a load on ebay for a tenner each. I got Snk vs Cap MOTM and Card Fighters this morning through the post.


      Cool i am not fussy.

      Metal Slug 2 is only just over ?10 at a buy it now.

      I will get that if i get a console.


        A similar topic here;

        That should help.



          if you decide to collect the neo pocket hardware and games

          try and get the complete versions - sure they are more expensive but they look much better in your collection


            don't miss Sonic Pocket Adventure or Puzzle Bobble Mini!


              If (like me) you're a big fan of Beat'em ups 3 games are unmissable.

              Capcom Vs SNK MOTM
              CardFighters Clash (SNK Version)
              CardFighters Clash (Capcom Version)

              All amazing games for so many reasons.


                Turf Masters - my fav handheld golf game.
                Pocket Tennis - good but hard.
                Pac Man - does what it says on the tin.


                  definitely get neo turf masters


                    Originally posted by buster_broon
                    if you decide to collect the neo pocket hardware and games

                    try and get the complete versions - sure they are more expensive but they look much better in your collection
                    Not just the complete, but get the Euro of Jap clamshell cases - avoid the tacky US cardboard boxes!

                    Tim (tm)


                      Originally posted by Smeghead
                      don't miss Sonic Pocket Adventure or Puzzle Bobble Mini!
                      I didn't like Sonic on the NGPC. It was basically, a stripped down version of Sonic 2.


                        Originally posted by Ady
                        Originally posted by Smeghead
                        don't miss Sonic Pocket Adventure or Puzzle Bobble Mini!
                        I didn't like Sonic on the NGPC. It was basically, a stripped down version of Sonic 2.
                        A stripped down version of Sonic 2? Granted, some of the background graphics were the same, and the tunes borrowed themes, but the levels were different, the game was different, the speed was different, the objectives (collecting puzzle pieces, and so on) were different, and the bosses were different. And it's almost as large as Sonic 2.

                        Tim (tm)

