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Turok 2: Seeds of evil

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    Turok 2: Seeds of evil

    For me, the first Acclaim game which was truly astrounding for me was Turkok 2: Seeds of Evil on the N64. This was my first truly epic (aside from oot) game, and I loved it. Never before had I ever played such a gorier game, or played thourgh such massive levels. Even if there were diffuctly spikes from time to time, it still was and for me still is a truly enjoyable game, apart from GE at that time Turok 2 truly had the best multiplayer avalible for the N64 at that time.

    high point of the game? cerebral bore, the noise alone made it almost too difficult to listen to.

    low point? the rest of the game. pants.


      I agree 100% Didn't like the game but the ceribal bore was pure class.


        I acctually enjoyed the first one more than the second, I have to say that for all the faults of acclaim the first couple where reasonable FPS, they where well presented for the main parts and had some lovely effects in, Iguana seemed to know what they where doing then Acclaim bought them outright and things fell over pretty much straight away, then they released Rage Wars, Turok 3 and the awful Turok Evolution, however I think that some developers should play these games again, certainly for weapons and end bosses they where fantastic and should not be overlooked, the enviroments where highly detailed and creatures also well placed and thought out in the main. In fact Goldeneye was probably only better because the levels where less detailed in places and it used zones so you could see for miles and the excellent muliplayer.

        Major bad factor was the fog, very bad in places but not unplayable or as bad as people made out.

        Originally posted by darkangel
        For me, the first Acclaim game which was truly astrounding for me was Turkok 2: Seeds of Evil on the N64. This was my first truly epic (aside from oot) game, and I loved it. Never before had I ever played such a gorier game, or played thourgh such massive levels. Even if there were diffuctly spikes from time to time, it still was and for me still is a truly enjoyable game, apart from GE at that time Turok 2 truly had the best multiplayer avalible for the N64 at that time.


          remember getting this for christmas, was so excited at the thought of multiplayer with raptors and things like that seen as we were all huge goldeneye fans. Turned it on, turned the single player off after about 1 hour because it was pretty awful. But that was only the start, ugh the multiplayer... god so horrible, I mean i dont think the engine was even remotely related to the single player because its control felt nothing like it. Ugh and thats before we get on to the fact the weapons were atrocious and felt so tacky compared to the single player ones and finally... the environments ugh terrible sub tomb raider block construction utterly pathetic.

          The single player would always be a long drawn out bore but the mutiplayer could have been something really special. Most disappointing n64 game ever thank god I got it the same time as zelda (or was it starfox? nah think that was same time as goldeneye)

          Ok it probably beats anything on psx or saturn but its **** by n64 standards.


            I thought the first one was better too, I loved the whole jungle, ancient tomb atmosphere and the music was ace. I actually quite enjoyed the stupidly hard jumping bits too. Still, they broke the number one rule of action games: " Bosses must increase in awesomeness as the game goes along". You've just defeated the truly astounding T-rex and can't wait to see the final, final, boss only to be confronted by a man in pants who kicks a lot. Crap.


              Never mind.
              Last edited by Concept; 24-01-2005, 15:36.


                OK, being serious now; I didn't like the second game very much (neither was it terribly popular, if I recall) but the first one was good fun.

                Also, Edge'll never live down the 9/10 score it gave Turok 2 (particularly as the review mainly focussed on graphics).

                BTW, my initial post (the one that was so offensive it needed to be deleted) was a reference to the fact that Turok 2 wasn't very well received, and was not an attempt to wind anybody up. /sigh


                  Hey, N64 mag never fully got over giving it 96%, which is 2% more then they gave goldeneye.....


                    Love the Turok games. Number one had a great feel to it. Number too had ridiculou save points and was stupidly hard. May dust it off again


                      Edge gave Turok 2 a 9?! I could understand the 96% from N64 magazine as they were always first to get Turok info so I knew thier review was going to be on the generous side, but a 9 from Edge is quite shocking. The first 2 levels were superb stuff, but levels 3-6 were a snorefest so unless they reviewed it after just playing 2 levels I've no idea how they gave it a 9.


                        The PC version was mildly inoffensive, however I never got on with the N64 version.
                        The first game was infinitely more fun at the time.


                          Edge was going through a bad patch then. I remember, around that time, they did a Darkstalkers review and clearly didn't know the names of the characters. I think, at that time, they put a lot of effort into their industry articles and just threw the reviews in for the general public.



                            Originally posted by jezzace
                            I actually quite enjoyed the stupidly hard jumping bits too.
                            The jumping in the first game always gets slated, but I never had a problem with it. The game basically told you when to jump by giving each ledge a small, sudden downward slope before the end, so all you had to do was wait for the screen to dip slightly. Once you'd figured that out it was pretty easy to nail every jump first time.


                              Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre
                              The jumping in the first game always gets slated, but I never had a problem with it. The game basically told you when to jump by giving each ledge a small, sudden downward slope before the end, so all you had to do was wait for the screen to dip slightly. Once you'd figured that out it was pretty easy to nail every jump first time.
                              And you could also look down, when your shadow hit the edge of the platform it was the right time to jump iirc.

