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Warppipe / DemaSked Saga

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    Warppipe / DemaSked Saga

    Has anyone else been reading up over at the Forum over at Warppipe about the whole DemaSked thing and what it is and all the speculation.

    Well they had a chat with the main leader guy (Chad) at the weekend and have put up a transcript which can be found here:

    It's quite interesting to read his replies, I think it is going to be an Online Service like X-Box Live but initially for DS then Revolution but not costing anything. What is a Chorx though?

    Any Thoughts?

    Anyone summarise main points of interest? Cba to read the whole thing tbh and all the chit chat.


      Hopefully I've not missed anything too important:

      <Chad_Paulson> Announcing Demasked at E3 is not likely.
      <Chad_Paulson> <IRbaboon> So, will DemaSked use the WarpPipe accounts?
      <Chad_Paulson> This is a good question.
      <Chad_Paulson> Although demasked is now comprised of several components, it started off as two very unique concepts. One from myself, one from Tushar. I married these two concepts, we adopted an overall philosophy and we began work. The initial plan was to launch a very small piece of my concept to get the ball rolling, with the intent of selling the much larger idea to interested parties. Hence the initial release date. After accomplishing th-[???]
      Therefore, it is doubtful that my initial statement concerning usernames is still the case, but I hope you see it in a positive context rather than a negative one. I also hope this answer gave others some perspective as to the state of demasked and why things seem to be "slow going".
      <Chad_Paulson> <fatnickc> With DemaSked, do you see a more widespread usage, rather than the 'community' of warppipe. Not to say that people won't chat, but, rather that it won't be something for people who want to go to the next level so much as a regular service.(?)
      <Chad_Paulson> Demasked will support millions of users, but the community aspect will remain. The 'Xbox Live' effect (the increase of users is proportional to the increase in ignorance) will be void.
      <Chad_Paulson> <inthearmsofsleep> who do you think will be DemaSked's biggest competitor?
      <Chad_Paulson> Microsoft, without a doubt.
      <Chad_Paulson> <Ali> Do you have someone "higher" than you making the decisions about DemaSked's future, Chad?
      <Chad_Paulson> As we work with clients to integrate demasked functionality, they are the boss.
      <Chad_Paulson> However, I will do my best to make sure the gamer wins out when possible. Diplomacy is the best policy.
      <Chad_Paulson> <lcddream> Will users have the ability to access demasked from at home and remotely?
      <Chad_Paulson> Both, why chain yourself.
      <Kitty> Will DemaSKed be revoloutionary to the casual gamer?
      <Chad_Paulson> You could say that.
      <Chad_Paulson> By that I mean that demasked has the potential to be the first of its kind to appeal to a VERY wide audience.
      <Wolf_iBook> I wonder if DemaSked will shock people
      <Chad_Paulson> It will
      <Smithy> Will loyal fans of Warp Pipe be the first people able to use DemaSked?
      <Chad_Paulson> Yes Smith, I'm going to try to make something like that happen.
      <lcddream> will people be able to develop homebrew for use over demasked?
      <Chad_Paulson> Absolutely not lcddream.
      <Chad_Paulson> <Compudude2292> will wp users know and testdemasked before it is unvieled to the regular public?
      <Chad_Paulson> This is something I can't comment on right now. Although, I will do my best to arrange something like this. As it was said before, #1 is our comittment to community and this is a great way of showing that.
      <Chad_Paulson> <demotheis> is there going to be a corporate sponser backing demasked?
      <Chad_Paulson> Absolutely, it needs to launch somewhere, right? I have no interest in launching a new console. And no, we are not working with Infintium Labs, sorry to disappoint.
      <Chad_Paulson> <Pommes> will the use of DemaSked be limited to one console?
      <Chad_Paulson> Demasked will not be limited to one device. Will it be limited / licensed / owned to just one company? Time will tell, I secretly hope so.
      <Chad_Paulson> <ulikemystyle18> Is Demasked Coming as a firmware update or at this time u cannot say?
      <Chad_Paulson> Demasked is many things, none of which I can comment on.
      <Chad_Paulson> If everything goes my way (we'll see how likely that is) it will be launched globally at exactly the same time. If not, very close.
      <Chad_Paulson> <Hari-Seldon> Are the Chorx coming to build up the path to Demasked?
      <Chad_Paulson> I suppose you could say that.
      <Chad_Paulson> <Ali> Will DemaSked be able to break through language, cultural, and technological barriers (in terms of different countries) when released globally?
      <Chad_Paulson> Of course, why bother otherwise?
      <Chad_Paulson> People are important, everything else is superficial.
      <Linkman3000> Will you be going to E3? Nonetheless, will the Demasked Service be displayed at E3?
      <Chad_Paulson> Warp Pipe Technologies will be at E3, just like last year. It is doubtful that we will be demonstrating or exhibiting anything to the public.
      <Wolf_iBook> so we won't see anything about DemaSked until after E3?
      <Chad_Paulson> Probably not Wolf, Demasked is a very large, long term project.

      EDIT: Or you could just read this..
      Last edited by D J Kix; 28-01-2005, 07:44.


        It's all very confusing...
        Why bother releasing little bits of info if they can't announce anything concrete til at least "after E3?"


          Originally posted by Firsty
          Why bother releasing little bits of info if they can't announce anything concrete til at least "after E3?"
          ... because they are huge media whores. The whole lot will turn out to be the biggest crock of **** you wait.


            These guys should get together with Infinium Labs.

            What a team they'd make.....


              These people are so up their own arses...

              Instead of trying to create some mystery about the whole thing, why not just announce what they're doing? It's obvious they're working on official/unofficial DS tunneling but to keep the whole thing so cryptic and secretive is just sad.

