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Score Thread - sorry :-(

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    Score Thread - sorry :-(

    So would you be more likely to buy x game if it scored 10 than if it 'only' scored 9...

    How old do you have to be before you can stop taking notice of the points debate? I'm 33 and here's another post

    But then again I still find myself whipping down the page (nearly said pants for some reason) to have a look at the score of 'game I've been eyeballing'. If it's low I'm more inclined to read the review than if it's high (sequential reading I mean). Odd that.

    I suppose with having seen so many titles get '**** me this should be game of the month/year/afternoon' nominations that by the time I believe the hype, read the web, wank over Edge/GamesTM teasers, read everybodys posts here and pre-order the game fifteen years in advance from play-asia (including plastic 'I'm a nearly naked game chick with big tits and tasty m***' toy) it doesn't matter two squits if the game's God. Barclaycard have already sent my money off and I'm waiting for the postie.

    Somebody help me

    Makes no difference whatsoever to me. Half the time I buy games before seeing a single review anyway. To be honest its =more to do with the general vibe a games gets from people on NTS-UK that really sways my decision. I can never understand folk moaning for a 10 if a game gets a 9. If you love it you love it.


      Generally? I couldn?t give a fiddle what score a game received. Like you Mr Yoraths mullet, I tend to buy games before I read a review or to help build anticipation as I wait for x game to arrive in the post. And... never do I decide a purchase on a score.

      There are exceptions however... the recently reviewed Resident Evil 4 for example. I have the game. I love the game. And I ordered it before a single review had passed my glance. Yet? I can?t help but to feel passionate towards its score *hangs head in shame*. I feel that, with games like RE4 - where there is such a profound attachment towards the title (imo the same can be said for Metroid Prime and Ocarina of Time) there is an overpowering side of my mind that is screaming out. In RE4?s case, it was screaming out ?10?.

      Usually, as mentioned, I wouldn?t mind if said game received a 9 or 10 ? it is the text which is important after all? but? (as I tend to buy games before I read the reviews?) for a game which I feel strongly towards its score is usually a personal battle towards me and the reviewer. "I love this game. Why doesnt he love it too?!"

      But? at the end of the day? It is only opinion.
      ----Member since April 2002


        Reviews are waste of time as we often buy games on preview, word of mouth and whim and trying torrent out.

        We got an idea what games we like and who to watch out for and history. Sometime we buy game for hell of it. I think years of experience and word of mouth on this forum/rllmuk forum is more reliable than magazine reviews.


          Originally posted by Legendary
          We got an idea what games we like and who to watch out for and history. Sometime we buy game for hell of it. I think years of experience and word of mouth on this forum/rllmuk forum is more reliable than magazine reviews.
          Took the words right out of my mouth however RE4 should of received 10/10.


            Well, I've still not bought Half-Life 2, despite being an Edge 10, so it's not foolproof.

            10s (at least from site that don't throw them around with wild abandon) make me sit up and take notice of games that I'd otherwise ignore; RE4 being a case in point (since so many people are saying it should have been). Ordinarily I'd have ignored it, just as I ignored Zero and the Remake. Resident Evil 2 was one of the titles I originally bought with my Playstation, and I HATED it, due to the controls. But all this buzz has meant that I might get it anyway, just because I now know the controls aren't an issue any more.

            So, while I wouldn't say that a 10 makes me definitely buy a game, it causes a buzz of discussion that (if the game does deserve that 10 according to many) means I'm more interested than I would otherwise be.


              In simple terms, yes the score matters.

              Split it down the middle -

              Games I 'know'
              If I'm interested in the game then any score 6 and above I'll pick it up

              Games I don't
              If it looks interesting then the score will need to be a 7 or maybe an 8 at least

              Scores generally taken from the model used here/GamesTM, or if I'm really desperate - Edge.

              For scores from the official type mags then anything less than 8.5/85% can forget it.

              Crazy? No, just look at your games collection, look at the scores they were given/deserve. I play games, I don't collect them, kooky titles and mega niche titles have no place.

              I couldn't give a rats ass whether the 'big' titles get an 8/9/10/AAA, whatever, at that end of the scale the positives are such that they greatly outweigh the negatives.


                I only use reviews to find out what the gameplay of a game is like and whether or not the positives would outweigh the negatives in my eyes. I normally put more trust in the views of people I know from another forum who have very much the same taste in games as I do. The score a games gets in a review doesn't matter to me. I have games that have gotten pretty mediocre scores in magazines but which I have loved to bits.
                Last edited by Zapp$ter; 28-01-2005, 12:45.


                  For me, First Play right here on NTSC-uk is probably my main resource in helping to aid my gaming purchase decisions.


                    I know what genre interests me, so if a title is coming out that is from that genre. I immediately take an interest in the title.

                    Previews and video are usually enough to feed my desire. I do not buy games based on a review/score. Never have, and I doubt I ever will.

                    What I do like to do, is read a review of a title I already own. I find that a lot more interesting and enjoyable.


                      I think everyone missed the rant I was having.

