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How obsessive are you?

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    How obsessive are you?

    **geek thread warning**

    I keep all my different game formats together on the shelf, and each is sorted by region. Generally I only buy one region per console (JPN for Dreamcast games, US for everything else except JPN for Saturn), and dislike having both DVDs and games together on the same shelf. Series games (like RE, SH etc) are kept together, in order of release. Consoles need to be nice and neat on my rack, with minimal wires showing.

    Thats the extent of my obsessiveness anyways, how about you?

    heh he said anal :P

    The worst I get is that I won't buy anything except Japanese Neo Geo games, and they have to be mint. And they get a whole drawer all to themselves. I also buy exclusively Japanese Gamecube games, unless you HAVE to have them in English, say in RE4 or something. Games such as Pikmin, Mario Sunshine etc are fine in English.


      Originally posted by marcus
      **geek thread warning**

      I keep all my different game formats together on the shelf, and each is sorted by region... dislike having both DVDs and games together on the same shelf. Series games (like RE, SH etc) are kept together, in order of release. Consoles need to be nice and neat on my rack, with minimal wires showing.
      Excatly like me!

      Except I hate cardboard boxed games seperatly, so ICO, Silent Hill 2 and the like have to be together and do you know PS2 games have excatly the same lettering? I put my PS2 games in order of how long the text is so it looks nice on my shelf...

      I need help!


        all my cases have to be the write way up - so for example on the US gamecube shelves the name of the game is at the top and Nintendo Gamecube at the bottom

        each console gets its own shelves for games

        games are placed in genre/franchise/release order (add region to the mix for multi-region consoles)

        sold all my ntsc-j GC games cos they wouldn't fit properly on the shelves (looked out of place with the rest of the consoles which come in dvd style cases) and bought all the games again in ntsc-u version


          Utterly unobsessive. I keep formats together and look after my games but thats it.

          DVDs and CDs are just arranged in a random order. Which I always regret when people are round and I'm trying to find a specific thing...


            I am not really obsessive but english language and 60hz is most important things for me. Value of money is more important that best looking mint condition box.

            I have xbox games in US Format (apart from SFC and PES 4)
            PS2 / DC games in various format (All PAl, Jap, USA)
            GC games in US Format and some in Jap format
            N64 games in all US Format.

            I also collect DVDs and I got 338 DVDs I have them seperated boxes - NTSC R1, TV Show, Music, and R2 films. Need a massive bookcase to store them neatly.


              I don't mind mixing regions together, but they have to be seperated into different system types, and then alphabetised.

              As for wires, I've done the best I can to hide everything (roll on the day someone see's the raging gap in the market for wireless AV connections) but undereath units it looks like theres been a tactical airstrike on a wire factory.

              DVD's are alphabetised (except for some box sets which won't fit and are kept seperate) and my CD's used to be, but I can't be arsed with that anymore. Now where they fit is where they stay


                Very obsessive. In fact, so obsessive, I'm not sure it's good for my health.

                I keep my games on the shelf in rank order. So the lowest ranking game I keep on the right, whilst the highest I keep on the left. But my top 3 favourite games of all time, I keep in a special drawer, hidden from prying eyes, fearing that they may be damaged.

                Do I need help?

                Also I realised.... what would happen (when I get a signicant other that is), when she would see all this? I wonder if anyone would put up with something like that.....


                  I'm going with Marcus on this one. My games are arranged exactly the same way! I also don't like buying more than one region for games. When the PS3 is released, I doubt it'll be easy to get a multi-region console, but at least I know 99% of my collection will work on an unchipped machine.


                    Umm, I just tend to have them arranged in order. With some cases dotted around my bedroom. I'm not obsessive in the slightest.

                    The same is true when it comes to actually playing the damn things. If I don't get 100% I'm not fussed. Especially if it's boring to get them all (e.g. GTA: Vice City, all the crappy little missions and hidden packages).


                      Heh, seeing the way I've "organised" my stuff in an ordered mess would probably send Marcus and Square into a fit of obsessive compulsive light switching, teeth brushing and game collection organising then!


                        My Playstation an Dreamcast games are all sorted into region and then alphabetical order. Everything else is in a random mess - mainly because I don't have the room to keep them all tidy.


                          I just got US Resi 4 the other day and it's the only US game amongst all my PAL GC games. And it's annoying me with it's gamecube logo at the bottom, instead of the top, sticking out. I tried turning it round, but then it's back to front. Bloody americans.

                          Have to be alphabetical and nice and tidy on the shelf. All my controllers are tucked away in the draws of my console unit thing. Minimum wires. And I keep a list of all my games on the computer, just in case something bad happens.

                          Somebody help me.


                            Originally posted by Valken
                            into a fit of obsessive compulsive light switching
                            Don't even go there...


                              Yes, I'm very obsessive about my collection...

                              - I usually arrange my games in "company" groups, so there's a nice row of corporate logos all the same. The JPN Capcom ones look espcially fine like this with their colour-coded "genre" band on the spines, but Konami threw a spanner in the works when they decided to dump their old logo design a couple of years ago...

                              - I carefully cut open my JPN GC games and leave the shrinkwrap on to keep them minty fresh. I'll also retain the 90% shrinkwrap I'm left with after opening games with DVD-style packaging if it's possible.

                              - I'll only buy American or Japanese games. No Asian, Korean, Chinese, or Canadian versions unless it's a total bargain. 90% of the time, it'll be the JPN version unless the language barrier is heavy.

                              - Greatest Hits, The Best, Platinum, Player's Choice etc versions are also a no-no.

                              - Any game I buy must be complete and in at least very good condition.

                              - Controllers, memory cards etc MUST be official, or officially licensed. No 3rd party crap.

                              - If a game is part of a series, I seemingly *need* to get them all, even if one (or more) are pointless/rubbish.


