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DS pods

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    DS pods

    I went into game the other day and much to my suprise they had a DS pod, It's styled in the shape of a lamp post/traffic light and has a big STOP sign above it ( I can only guess this is to get all of the chavs to stop mocking it once they put a PSP next to it). anyway, They had the Wario ware demo on it which I presume is the same one as the nintendo VIP bundles. which played very nice, all the games I played used the touch screen and a fair few of them used both screens which was nice.

    cant wait for them to have picto chat or some multiplayer games on the demo pods so i can cause some mischeif


      Yeah, Gamestation in Leeds have one, too. I was eyeing it while waiting in the queue (for nearly 15 minutes) and the touch screen had already built up a nice, thick layer of grease and fingerprints


        Yeah, we just received ours in the HMV where I work. Unfortunately there is no where on the shopfloor to put the thing!

        I suggested to one of my bosses to put it in the staff room - but to no avail!


          Cool, Im hopefully gonna go to my local GAME tommorow and check this out, im gonna try and go early so i don't have to wait.

          CAN'T WAIT


            HMV Newcastle has a demo pod, it like all the other has the wario demo installed.

