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what are your most played games ever?

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    what are your most played games ever?

    games that you never get bored off

    for me Baldurs gate 2 (completed at least 10 times and with the addon packs)

    disgaea (dont think there is a game where i have put so many hrs in such a short space of time)



      Tetris gets played every day.


        wwf no mercy (n64)

        ive been playing this game with my friends every week since 1999 and the whole n64 thq/aki wrestling series since 1997!

        I'm a serious game player with over 250 games in my collection, but this is my favorite game of all time! (no this isnt a joke)


          ^^^ Heh, I remember when WCW v nWo Revenge came out. I preordered it from the games shop in town, then faked illness and waited 'til my mum'd gone to work. A quick trip into town and back and I spent the rest of the day (and following months) playing that a lot. No Mercy never got that much of my time, though, probably as I was a WCW fan really.


          In the past: Street Fighter II SCE (MD), Sim City 2000 (PC), Super Mario Kart.

          These days I'd say X-Men vs Street Fighter on Saturn takes a lot of my "pick up and play" game time. It's so much fun to play and is so satisfying; definitely my favorite beat 'em up. A close second is probably Marvel vs Capcom 2 on DC.

          Other stuff that still gets played a lot: Sega Rally, Vampire Savior, F Zero X...
          Last edited by nekroxide; 05-02-2005, 22:05.


            I was a pso victim and still am! 100s of wasted hours........... hey! I could of been playing other games!


              Jet set radio (Japanese original version) for me. I must have completed it 30-40+.


                TFC - six hours a day for two years. Yowee.

                Second is probably Halo, followed closely by Halo2. That said, I've not played any Halo-based game for a few weeks now, which is actually the longest I've been without the Chief since it was first released in 2001.


                  rainbow six on LIVE, easily


                    Halo and Halo 2 - Whenever a group of mates get together after a drink, xbox goes on, one halo or another goes in, 'nuff said.

                    Guilty Gear X2 - Has been on the shelf for a while, Isuka is due soon which will resolve that.

                    Space Channel 5 - I play it less than I used to before I moved as the DC is in hibernation, but Ulala never gets boring.

                    Gitaroo Man - Always gets a regular outing, I don't seem to get any better at it, but that never matters.


                    Monster Hunter - better than PSO in many ways, but inferior in some respects (lack of teamwork between international players is the games worst flaw). Sixty hours across two characters after three weeks and going strong Why more people haven't picked this up is beyond me.


                      Most played has to be FFXI, with around 340 days of playtime. Never again.

                      Street Fighter Zero 3, Guardian Heroes back in the day.

                      Right now I'm waiting for my Naruto: Narutimate Hero 2 to arrive so I can devote months to it (its excellent from what I played at my friend's).


                        C&C: Tiberian Sun, it was the first game I ever played online and it was exactly around the time unlimited internet for a set monthly price was coming out. I must have played it every day for 12 months

                        FF7 also took about 120 Hours out of my life to get everything done.


                          Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart, Goldeneye. At the minute probably Paper Mario 2 and RE:4.

                          Waiting for my DS and DK: Jungle Beat to come next week.


                            Without a doubt Halo.
                            Single player is engrousing and astoung, multi-player co-op is involving and great as the both of you work together and multi-player is tactical and better than the previous stablemate, GoldenEye.

                            Sonic series.
                            As a kid I could only have one console so between the age of 9 and 13 I played the sonic series non stop.


                              Almost 3000 hours on FFXI. As with Razz, never again.

