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We're on: Sony to go before E3

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    Cant see what the upset over a new gen is all about. Its been 5 years with the ps2 has it not? Some of the best games released on the ps1 were done so with the ps2 looming over the horizon.
    Stuff like Resi 4 (which is mint) is the peak technically. I dont think it shows that more can be squeezed out of the current crop rather that its the best were going to see.


      Originally posted by rule
      Why is everyone hyping up sony? the ps2 is a load of overhyped ****e, it only has a few games worth mentioning and thats snk v capcom2, rez, and vice city which all have superior versions on other formats.

      Erm..........and Ico, Silent Hill 2, Gitaroo Man, Pro Evo, Siren, Gradius V, Mr Moskeeto, XII, Timesplitters 2, THPS 3, Deus Ex.....I could go on, but I'm sure you really know this already.

      Xbox has it's moments, but most of those are recent. I dare anyone to name a really good exclusive Xbox title released prior to 18 months ago. That doesn't begin with an H.

      At the end of the day it's down to the quality of the games, I have both systems, and while the Xbox is still an item of mockery (Big gay megadrive....etc, etc...), I'm warming to it in light of some of the more recent titles, but I have to say that the vast majority of my time is spent on my sweet ol' PS2 because it has (IMHO) a wider collection of quality titles.


        Originally posted by Ben-K
        Xbox has it's moments, but most of those are recent. I dare anyone to name a really good exclusive Xbox title released prior to 18 months ago. That doesn't begin with an H.
        Jet Set Radio Future.


          Or a J.


            Originally posted by Concept
            I won't boycott. I just won't be an early adopter.

            I'll take the same attitude I'm probably going to take with the PSP. Wait two years after release.
            Yeah, that's kind of what I meant. "Boycott" was the wrong word.


              Puh-lease.... I can see both you and Concept queing outside of Yodobashi camera, in the pouring rain, singing the theme song from the Ps3 advert, with wads of cash in your hand 2 days before release!

              **** man, New hardware is like crack for me. On release day I have to go through cold turkey for a few weeks (or just have to be damn skint). If I can make it past that, I can wait forever... almost.


                Originally posted by Ben-K
                Erm..........and Ico, Silent Hill 2, Gitaroo Man, Pro Evo, Siren, Gradius V, Mr Moskeeto, XII, Timesplitters 2, THPS 3, Deus Ex.....I could go on, but I'm sure you really know this already.

                Xbox has it's moments, but most of those are recent. I dare anyone to name a really good exclusive Xbox title released prior to 18 months ago. That doesn't begin with an H.

                At the end of the day it's down to the quality of the games, I have both systems, and while the Xbox is still an item of mockery (Big gay megadrive....etc, etc...), I'm warming to it in light of some of the more recent titles, but I have to say that the vast majority of my time is spent on my sweet ol' PS2 because it has (IMHO) a wider collection of quality titles.
                Errrrrr..... You do realise that over half of the games you listed there were not (allowing for updates/sequels) PS2 exclusive?

                Anyhow, I agree, the PS2 is SOOOOO showing its age now. I dont think we need another Nintendo or MS console just yet as both are still looking great. However I guess if 1 company launches, they all have to within a relative timeframe or be left with too much catchup to do in terms of userbase.

                Ah well, new hardware is always exciting!!! Needed or not.....


                  Originally posted by superstarbeejay
                  I didn't get a PS2 or XBOX until the middle of last year. That means I've got at least 4 years before I even think of getting a PS3. I'll get a revolution on release though.

                  when the ps2 was 1st announced i allways said i'd never buy one, but 6 months ago i did when they came down to ?99. i allways thought they would be crap, but i did like it, it has got some good games gitaroo man, gregory horror show, gta SA ect. but overall i thought it was really poor and i was glad i didn't get one on release for ?300 or whatever it was, and i sold it last week and i've got the feeling i will not miss it, as my xbox is the main console(got it on day of release for ?400ish) and to me it is the best console of this gen(DC is close up there with it) and the gamecube is 2nd as it has got a few really good games(ribbit king is brill, VJ ect)

                  next gen i'll just get an xbox on release day and see how much a cube or whatever it's called is.

                  thats what i'll be doing anyway.


                    well, this site convinced me that multi format was the way to go, but I'm really starting to have doubts about that, the DC was the best time of my gaming life, and that was pretty much a single format period for me, I'm really enjoying the DS now even tho I only have one DS game for it, but the fact that I only have the one (much like when the DC was alive and kicking) means I dedicate so much more time to that game. with the DC I got a game every month if I was lucky so cained any new games I did get to death, these days I was at one point pickin up at least 1 game a week and found I jus never got around to finishing any of them.

                    Next gen I think I'm gonna pick 1 system (probably Revolution coz I'm a Nintendo whore at heart :P and they seem to be trying something new, which I'm really open to unlike most on here it seems) I ain't fussed about jaw dropping graphics so long as the games are solid. I'll jus pick the other consoles up later then after price drops. Tho I think after finding the xbox a dissapointment for pretty much it's entire lifespan I'll prolly only get the PS3 before bargain bucket time :P


                      Originally posted by rule
                      xbox had games which showed us the future and that heres the place for proper next gen gaming. DOA volleyball, jet set radio future, .....


                        at first I thought that post was sarcastic :P


                          I dont think I will buying on release any of the next gen(still paying for this gen). I think I will purchase on the first inevitable price drop


                            It would not have been so bad if he did not start with "DOA Volleyball"


                              Tbh all this "I`m not buying next gen stuff" is a load of bull. Its like people saying they wouldn`t rag Claudia Schiffer cos they`re happy with their missus. Just like if Schifferchuck was there ready to get nasty, when the next gen games are out in shop windows u ain`t gonna wait for a second before buying one and squirting all over your telly.


                                Originally posted by Resonance
                                It would not have been so bad if he did not start with "DOA Volleyball"
                                Yeah made me wonder. But my first thought was "troll with extra standy-up hair"...

                                What i find ironic is that this is an import site/forum yet all the "good" PS2 games mentioned are available over here. For me half the draw of the PS2 is the wide range of crazy games which would be immediately turned down in a MS board-meeting. Hell best game of 2004 by the staff of this worthy site was the off beat Katamari Darmacy, for any format. Say what you like but the breadth of games for the PS2 far outstrips its rivals, i could NOT get my fix for oddness and mecha on either of them, or both combined.

                                I have no qualms at all for getting a launch day PS2 for ?300, its still going fine, and cost per day is something like ?0.20 per day - thats total ****ing value for money for entertainment in my book. So yeah i'll be getting a PS3 on launch.

