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GAME and their SHAMEFUL/ANNOYING practices

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    GAME and their SHAMEFUL/ANNOYING practices

    Played on a DS today for the first time ever. Wario Ware immediately sold the concept to me (whore that I am).

    Went back to check for deals online, nothing fantastic and I wanted to play it on the train tomorrow. So I went into Oxford centre to GAME to buy a DS and a copy of Super Mario 64 (and a copy of Polarium if they had any).

    They had a fair few DS's in the cabinet alone and a few copies of Mario 64 DS remaining.

    Me: Hello, I'd like to buy a Nintendo DS. And a copy of Mario 64, and a copy of Polarium if you have any please.
    Staff: We don't have any copies of Polarium left. Have you pre-ordered?
    Me: No.
    Staff: We can't sell you those copies of Mario 64 as they're reserved.
    Me: Ok, fair enough, could I have just the DS then please.
    Staff: We can only sell it you if you buy a game with it, or two games if you haven't preordered. So that would be the ?130 bundle or the ?160 bundle.
    Me: Oh, well. Bye then.

    First off, I'm not angry at the shop staff. It's not their fault and they were polite enough. However that really gets my goat-up. That is just designed to screw over people who pop in wanting to get a DS. If you want a DS without preordering, there is a good chance you'd have to buy it with one or two **** games, since the most popular sell out first. It just smacks of opportunistic money-making. Forcing people into buying stuff like the Urbz etc. And making it difficult for people to merely shop around to get the stuff they want (I could have gone into gamestation and got the titles for example).

    I'm personally disgusted with that policy. I shall be avoiding shopping there in future, as with their pre-ordering mentality inherited from their American parent company, they've killed one of the few advantages and joys that real shops have over online shops:

    IMPULSE PURCHASING YOU MORONS!!!!! The joy of buying a game, just because you can and taking it home then and there and being delighted by it. They're turning the art of purchasing into a boring science.

    I got a DS and Mario 64 in the end from Dixons (GameStation were sold out, fair enough). Had to put up with their retarded stockroom release system (they need the item to be rung through the system to release it onto the shop floor first. But there was no product codes for the DS on the shop floor), but apart from that it was ok.

    According to them, I was their first purchaser of the DS in Dixons, Oxford. \o/

    Pre-ordering - the best way to piss off your customers. It's a self-enforcing system. You have to pre-order, since they won't sell it to you otherwise. Bastards.

    dixons have a deal right now - if you have time to find a dixons

    buy the machine for ?99.99 or buy it with 1 game for ?119.99 and you can choose from 4 i believe

    atari collection
    and 1 other


      i can understand them using preorders but i don't agree with the bundles. unfortunately everyone seems to do it these days. it like Dixons not allowing you to buy a toaster unless buy a kettle too. madness.


        Originally posted by buster_broon
        dixons have a deal right now - if you have time to find a dixons

        buy the machine for ?99.99 or buy it with 1 game for ?119.99 and you can choose from 4 i believe

        atari collection
        and 1 other
        Thanks, but as I already said...I bought one from Dixons. First person to do so. Guess my rant was too long and boring for everyone.


          I thoroughly agree. Pre-Ordering is just a load of old bollocks in my opinion.
          I work for Gamestation and filling out pre-orders just makes me grit my teeth -especially when it's for a hardware launch, the PStwo pre-ordering over Xmas just got reiduclously out of hand and putting up with angry customers all day is not great. In the end, our store team just said **** it and made it first come first served - no hassle, if you didn't get one, it was simply because you weren't quick enough.

          Bloody Game, always trendsetting, making the sheepish companies (and i agree GS is one of them, espcially lately) follow suit. Pre-order now? Piss off later.


            Originally posted by Crispin
            Guess my rant was too long and boring for everyone.
            It was...

            I read the impulse purchasing bit in bold. From now on, I suggest you highlight the main points with bold or some such ;P


              Originally posted by Crispin
              Thanks, but as I already said...I bought one from Dixons. First person to do so. Guess my rant was too long and boring for everyone.
              ahh i see i only read down to the morons part

              thought i would help

              but this thread is just like the few others that have been started because of Games selling tactics

              the last one was posted due to them selling slimline ps2's at chrimbo at a huge hike with crap game packages


                Apparently there is no margin on the slim-line PS2, so the only way to make money on them is to package them! I had a word with my boss about the **** policy of bundling crap software, and he said that the PS2 is zero margin. So Sony have kind of helped push this **** type of thing on us too... in that situation atleast.


                  they done this bundle thing, with the last batches of xboxs, before xmas.

                  "one xbox please."
                  "well.. we are not currently selling them on their own."
                  "why not."
                  "stocks are low."
                  "so... they wont last forever buddie, i am the customer, and i want the xbox, i dont want your bundle."
                  "sorry head office..."
                  "yeah **** off.. you ****!"

                  i was soo pissed as it was a pressie for my cousin, and he was just trying to pin it on people who was not present, in this case head office.
                  i went to gamestation and brought a crystal one for ?99.99 with a couple of games. (**** though)



                    GAME don't have an American parent company. They don't even have a parent company for that matter.

                    Anyway, yes I can see you being annoyed, but tbh I can't blame them. Hardware as mentioned has virtually no profit margin and hence needs to be bundled with cheap games and hardware at an inflated price to make a decent return. Good to see you got a DS in the end though


                      Originally posted by Crispin
                      Thanks, but as I already said...I bought one from Dixons. First person to do so. Guess my rant was too long and boring for everyone.
                      Nah man, you're right. The pre-ordering system is really unfair. Glad you got one though.


                        I've yet to buy a new console and NOT buy at least one game for it at the same time.

                        Was there really that many people buying "just" the console before they started this Nazi policy?


                          Yeah, but being limited to crap games or cheap peripherals isn't good. Of course you'll want to buy games, however, people buying as gifts may not.


                            Originally posted by Plisken
                            In the end, our store team just said **** it and made it first come first served - no hassle, if you didn't get one, it was simply because you weren't quick enough.
                            Same at ours.

                            I remember the sheer amount of mother bitches coming in and moaning at not being able to pre-order... And more annoyingly, not being able to understand the concept of WHY we weren't doing pre-orders...

                            "I won't be coming here again!"

                            Like I give a **** if you come here again!

                            Some folk. Then you had the obvious Ebay money grabbers who wanted to pre-order 3 or 4 of them at once.

                            I'm glad I worked in that shop in hindsight, it opened my eyes up to the fact that most people are *****.


                              I've had no real problems with GAME (although I have never actually bought anything from them since 2001).

                              Last time I got something was the Outrun 2 demo disc on XB.

                              Me: "I'd like the Outrun 2 demo disc please?"

                              Staff: "Sure, (to manager) how do I scan this through?"

                              Manager: "You need to pay a deposit for the full game before you can have this"

                              Me: "what's the point of paying a deposit if all I want to do is try the demo to see if I want the full game first? "

                              Manager: "Well, these are ?3 then".

                              Me - points to big letters on disc case "Not for Sale".

                              Manager: "Oh, OK, I'll let you have it on this occasion".

                              I eventually bought the full game from after loving the demo.

