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Sony ship sinking?

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    Ill take part when its being discussed by people who know how a business operates, and don't argue by using quotes The exception being Baroque who of course knows, and understands this area of our hobby.
    By quotes you mean an analyst article in Nikkei and the original source of this thread who works in the financial sector of the Japanese economy?

    If anyone honestly thinks Sony are going to vanish, the PS2 is going to fail, and the PS3 will still born then they seriously need to do some homework.
    Please point out in the original post anything relating to PS2 failing or PS3 being stillborn




      Sony's stock, like all Nikkei companies is very volatile. To raise the funding to do a hostile take over would be very difficult to do and those that could do it wouldn't be allowed to owing to various competition and anti-trust issues.



        Originally posted by camps

        All told, expenses related to acquiring the Hollywood property and its management came to just under $6 billion

        Source - Sony the Private Life by John Nathan
        Which shows the failings of human memory and my effectiveness for such figures while at work. A quick check from my book shelves at home digs up the same numbers but Sony never sold Columbia off, they wrote the asset down. In short they overpaid and were screwed when it failed to rake the money in, they didn't sell the asset at a loss.

        Now with that in mind it, according to some of the stuff I have here, at the same time as the write down poor performance across the board caused Sony's stock collapsed and the same question was asked. "Is this the end of Sony?", the answer of course was no and it's no this time around too.

        The company appears to need to meltdown once every ten years, so they can adjust the sail and grab the wind again. (Yes I'm just off of playing TLOZ:WW)

        I don't see this as a serious issue in the long term, a kick in the pants in the short term but it's not indicative of Playzilla's future. As a result of this I'm expecting they'll do their utmost to have a stunning E3 just to shut people up about this.


          Originally posted by replicant
          Sorry guys.
          The exception being Baroque who of course knows, and understands this area of our hobby.
          I wish!
          It's just a process of deductive reasoning and understanding the motivations of those involved. Look at the so-called analysts and journalists out there, many of them don't have a clue what's going on even they they understand all the numbers.


            It's true that sony never sold Columbia. I know this cos my mate works at columbia and he got me 35% off my DVD player!


              Oh, and may I add that both Spiderman and Men in Black II, Columbia Pictures' movies, were major contributors to sony group's profits last year, apart from PS2.

