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Stange Gaming Habbits

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    Stange Gaming Habbits

    Im a massive motorsport fan so obvously while I havent been out of the house im in it playing Gran Turismo 4.

    I had been playing for about two hours and was competing in a 5 wet lap race against a much faster car in special conditions and realised what a strange quirk I have.

    I tend to take a swig of whatever drink thats laying to hand, keep it in my mouth and "ration" it to myself during the game im playing. Ive realsied ive done it since I was a kid but never really noticed wat a quirk it was. I mentioned it to mates on the wekend and they've always know ive done it and never mentioned it.

    Other things ive thought of are leaning left and right in racing games and bitting of the lips.

    So whats your stange quirks when it comes to games?

    I think I always bite my lips when doing a tricky part, it helps you concentrate or something.

    And I always make faces and speak to the game itself, like playing Halo 2 on Live last night, I kept shouting, "get him get him kill himmm!!!" and screwing y face up when I died or something.

    Nothing as crazy as rationing a drink throughout a race though! Thats mental!


      Theres the classic moving the pad to the left as your turning left, but luckily I don't do that one. Seems to be related more to non-gamers that one.

      A quirk I have is my gaming skills are dramatically increased depending whether I'm sitting back in the chair or sitting hunched over on the edge. If I'm sitting back I suck but lean forward and my skills are doubled. After mammoth gaming sessions my back kills!


        The main one for me is getting a cup of coffee during a late night session with an adventure or an RPG before I start. My little routine consists of getting a warm drink, turning on the heater during winter...

        and... that's about it.


          My m8 sticks his tongue out during pressure situations, he also forgets to breathe and lets out a giant gasp when it's done...It's hilarious


            With me it is usually:

            Mornings before work - out into my gaming den (ie the garage) large cup of very strong coffee, preferably espresso or if it is instant, Carte Noir, packet of marlboro, SNES.

            In the evenings - crack open a can of budweiser / bottle of budvar, packet of marlboro, and into some DC action, with several more beers along the way.

            I get "game rage" as well - recent example (which my wife scolded me for) was when I got up to 99 wins in party mode in KOF 01 without barely getting a scratch - then it all fell apart and I lost to that annoying squeaky dwarf with the claws - I unplugged my joypad and threw it across the room. Wife commented something like: "Stop throwing your toys out of the pram"


              Originally posted by jezzace
              A quirk I have is my gaming skills are dramatically increased depending whether I'm sitting back in the chair or sitting hunched over on the edge. If I'm sitting back I suck but lean forward and my skills are doubled. After mammoth gaming sessions my back kills!
              Me too, exactly the same; esp. 2 player games.


                Yeah, I hold my breath slightly, like just coming up to the finish line on f-zero with loads on my tail, also when taking difficult shots on FPS's.


                  Originally posted by jezzace
                  Theres the classic moving the pad to the left as your turning left, but luckily I don't do that one. Seems to be related more to non-gamers that one.
                  I have a tendency of "steering" with my feet, which is similar, but less n00b-esque......


                    I tend to like the over/behind car viewpoint on racing games and do catch myself raising myself to look 'over' the top when going over humps.

                    I stick my tongue out aswell when I am really concentrating.


                      Originally posted by Owain
                      Yeah, I hold my breath slightly, like just coming up to the finish line on f-zero with loads on my tail, also when taking difficult shots on FPS's.
                      **** yeah, exactly. Holding my breath in F-Zero is all too common!

                      I bite the left hand side of my lips, I bite the top and bottom lips together using my incisor (the sharp ones). I actually have little... dents in my lips now


                        I duck while playing Halo. I tried stopping, but I seem to get killed less when I do it, so it must do something.


                          I talk quite a bit during fighting matches, making noises according to what happens on screen, like acted screaming when my character gets hit, or go "owwww" when I eat a super.

                          Don't know how strange people find that, but some are actually annoyed by my sounds. Hey, I just remembered that it was during a few NBA Street 2 games, my buddy was annoyed that I constantly went "boooom-shaka-laka" at each dunk.

                          I think strange habbits are pretty cool, kinda gives the playing a personal touch.
                          Last edited by Akujiki; 15-03-2005, 20:28.


                            I sometimes hide my eyes behind the control pad (Strange, I know) when I'm tired and I want to carry on playing, sort of as a distractionary method so your eyes aren't looking fully at the screen, the tiredness goes away after a while.

                            I also used to tap strange combo's out or try and spell words out on the SNES Control Pad whenever I had completed a level like B,A,B,Y, or D,Y,D,D,Y (Cheat on DKCountry) or the cheat on Mario Kart to unlock the Time Trial Levels L,R,L,R,L,L,R,R,A. Never know why I do it, it's just like a reflex action.


                              I tap the buttons when I lose on SF and my character is falling to the floor in slow-mo? I don?t know why its not like my character is going to get back up.

                              When I was younger I use to hold my breath whenever sonic (sonic 1) went under water? wasn?t really a habit but it made getting air seem more urgent.

