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Meteos or Lumines?

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    Meteos or Lumines?

    Anyone got both these games and can do a small comparison? Can only afford to splash out on 1 puzzle game.

    Originally posted by megatron
    Anyone got both these games and can do a small comparison? Can only afford to splash out on 1 puzzle game.
    I'm actually preferring Meteos. The controls offer a lot more flexibility the music is wonderfully wacky and there's a tonne of unlockables to get. To be honest though, both are very good games. Read the first play threads on both games to get some better impressions.


      From what i have heard i don't think the games are comparable and are just good in their own right.

      I know the more i see of meteos the more i want to porn my body in order to buy a copy.


        Knew it wouldnt be long till this thread popped up.

        Haven't got a PSP but they both look pretty cool. The more I read of Meteos though the more I want it, maybe its something to do with the rockets..?

        Anyone know if theres a confirmed US Meteos release date yet?


          Anyone got links for some Lumines vids? Having skimmed the 2 threads I'm still undecided.


            They're very different games.

            Lumines is the sexy lifestyle gamer's accessory. The puzzle element isn't actually that hard once you've worked it out, but it's a very nice relaxing game to chill out to. The music is excellent, and visually it's quite trippy. The blocks are very nicely drawn too. :P The downside is that it's hard to just pick up and play the game, because you'll inevitably end up zoning off and playing *at least* an hour for JUST ONE GAME. Eats up time like nothing else. One thing to note is that the music is sequenced in one order, so you'll literally have to listen to the music in the same order everytime. I think it's a nice feature, feels like an album, but it bugs a lot of people.
            Still, overall, it's the best PSP game out at the moment, IMO. Although I haven't played Wipeout.

            Meteos is like Lumines' little upstart hyperactive rebellious genius brother. These games couldn't be any different. Meteos is fast-paced and furious and all about the balancing act of shooting all these different rockets at the same time while rocks literally pour down from above. Lot's of multitasking going on. Great brain exercise. Games can be over in the matter of seconds, although the Star Trip options can take 1/2 an hour, I think. So it's good for short burst games, although it's quite easy to waste the hours away on this one too. Obviously, it's not as sexy as Lumines, but it has this cute geek chic about it and the production values are probably higher than any other puzzle game I've ever played. And it's probably the best DS game out at the moment apart from Touch Yoshi. The only thing about it at the moment is that there's a ****load of Japanese. Might be good to wait for a US release.

            Personally, I love Lumines more (it just hits the spot for me), but I can see myself picking Meteos up much more, just because it's easier to pick up and play.

            So yeah, you should buy both. Your handhelds deserve them.


              Lumines is a game that is more about planning ahead to maximise scoring patterns, perhaps in a similar way to Tetris. Meteos is all about reacting to what is thrown at you by the game, much like Mr Driller. This is the fundamental difference in style between the games, and is what I recommend you base your buying decision on.

              Both are great games - Lumines is more stylish in many ways, with some interesting AV elements, but Meteos has a charm all of it's own as well. It's a little unfair to suggest that Lumines required more time to play - there are timed and puzzle modes for shorter games, although I agree that a regular 'challenge' game is quite time consuming. Meteos games are shorter in duration due to the fundamental design. Finally, I'd argue that Meteos has quite a lot for the player to learn for a puzzle game, so the learning curve is a fair bit steeper than Lumines. Oh, and some people are criticing Meteos' controls for allowing 'scrubbing' with the stylus - perhaps the equivalent of button bashing in fighting games. It's a fair point in some ways, although I don't think it's a particularly effective technique - certainlt not for good scores / times anyway.


                I haven't played Meteos but I have to say I adore Lumines!
                IMO it really captures the 'Rez' ideals in puzzle form!

                Here is a video review...

                Lumines makes the jump to current-gen platforms looking and sounding better than ever.

