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The worst game ive played this generation

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    The worst game ive played this generation

    Now, before I start, I just want to point out that I'm not by any means saying that this is the WORST game this generation, but I do feel the need to vent about just how shockingly dissapointed I am.

    I just bought Metal gear Solid 3 and very excitedly booted it up. And now, 5 hours later I know for a fact that its going back to the shop tomorrow. What a hideously broken game. Not once did i attribute my being discovered or killed to my own personal lack of skill. Each and every single time i died without exception was as a result of terrible camera work or unresponsive controls or glitchy environments.

    The way the controls switch as the camera moves means that just as I'm sneaking up sometimes, the camera spins round and all of a sudden, where I thought I was going one way, i'm all of a sudden going the other way, and even though I adjust in a millisecond, its still enough to get me noticed.

    Being seen by guards off screen because the camera just refuses to pan out an extra five feet, having to press a multitude of buttons just to fire a gun, etc etc etc. Its just so utterly appalling. This is less satisfying than my previous "worst game this gen" (timesplitters 2) and provided me with absolutely zero fun in 5 hours. Boring predictable scripting, excrutiating cutscenes etc etc etc.

    I know this is a popular title with lots of people. can I just ask why? I loved MGS on PS1 but I had some frustrations with it. i skipped MGS2 cos I heard bad things, but people raved about this one so I went for it. BIG mistake.


    There's a thread over at RLLMUK where I said something very similar. Absolutely hated the game.

    MGS felt new and innovative. MGS3 feel old, ham-fisted and clunky.

    Looks gorgeous, mind.


      I agree, I bought it and hated it, like you say, the camera is aweful. The only thing I do like is the soundtrack.


        i was given mgs1 for ps1 by a friend many years ago as he didnt want it.

        neither did i!


          Why not? MGS1 is a fantastic game.


            i did give it a good try, just not my thing.


              Yep i loved mgs1 but the 2 previous games have been turd to me.


                WTA Pro Tour Tennis for the Gamecube

                If anyone has played this pathetic excuse of a tennis game, can they please explain how the **** a game with gameplay SO **** could get pass ANY ****ing games tester????????????????????

                It is the only game I have played which really made me think about that, about quality control when releasing games. Over and over I kept asking myself "How the **** could they let that happen in a video game, and still release it???"

                And I am normally someone who can find something to love and respect about ANY tennis game, I'm pretty forgiving, but this game just takes the ****in biscuit!!

                Who makes decisions about the qualtiy of games? Konami made this game, but is it Konamii themselves who rubber stamp the game or does it have to pass through a test at Nintendo??? As you can se eI have serious issues with this game, need thereapy etc etc! but it is just, having played sooo many tennis games , good to bad to middling, I could not see how this game, which includes the ****TIEST gameplay ever, with ****ING IDIOTIC A.I, how the **** it could get out of the games factory or wherever it gets made, and then into the shops.


                In fact , having always been a Nintendo fan, it was buying this game which finally made me take the plunge and buy a PS2...which at the time had a decent selection of tennis titles to choose from, and now has even more. I was desperate for some "new gen tennis" but was getting pissed off at the wait for MArio Tennis, and at the total ****ing lack of tennis games for the Cube..Gamecube, correct me if Im wrong, only has 2, in total, since launch,bastards.


                  I agree about the camera in MGS3... I have some problems with it as well.. But so far I've been enjoying the game quite a bit. I do use the first person view a lot... sometimes a little too often because the camera system does kinda suck.. It doesn't suit the outdoor jungle areas very well... But it's a small annoyance for me.


                    I think it is fair to say that the Splinter Cell games **** all over the MGS series. Form should follow function.


                      To be honest it isnt the worst game this generation, but for me its the worst mgs game ive played, i love mgs to bits and mgs 2 kept me playing on to find out more about the story. But mgs 3, i dunno, theres something about it which to me makes it dull. Lots of annoying things like having to eat, or heal yourself or how its better to kill yourself than to go through evasions. I think the open landscape doesnt help the game at all, its very easy to get spotted, you could run between corridors like in mgs, and you cant take everyone out in a given area. I think with the quest for realism, stuff like the guards being able to hear your every move (rather than pre set ones) and see you when you cant see them really take away from the enjoyment of the game.

                      And the story, dear god its dull. MGS and mgs2 made me play on for the story alone, especially mgs which is wonderful. But this, its just dull, the cut scenes are dull (lots of slow mo for stupid things) and i have no real need to carry on.


                        Originally posted by Peanuts
                        I think it is fair to say that the Splinter Cell games **** all over the MGS series. Form should follow function.
                        You can't say that, the fanboys get all upset and say that Splinter Cell is a "different kind of stealth".

                        What? The proper kind?

                        To illustrate my point, here is a picture of Sam owning Solid Snake.

                        And here is Sam doing the iPod dance. For added comedy value really.

