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Is RedEye having a go at NTSC-UK??

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    Is RedEye having a go at NTSC-UK??

    Not read it myself, but these guys seem to think so.



      It's really him!?!?!?

      I used to worship the words he wrote! - I thought he was SUCH a DON!
      All that has changed now.


        I'm a bit shocked its him too!!!


          What does it say - can someone copy/paste it in here for me?


            If you want to pass on who it is, do it by PM please. Don't want Edge/Rllmukkers linking to here and causing all sorts of problems, do we? As far as I'm concerned, I said nothing and you all worked out theories yourselves, yeah?


              Originally posted by vic_viper
              Not read it myself, but these guys seem to think so.
              No intention of joining the forum and I stopped reading Edge a while back, care to summarise who says what about the how?


                Can anyone post what was said - I can't be bothered registering just to read that!


                  If you want to pass on who it is, do it by PM please. Don't want Edge/Rllmukkers linking to here and causing all sorts of problems, do we? As far as I'm concerned, I said nothing and you all worked out theories yourselves, yeah?
                  My lips are sealed.


                    Does it really matter if he did?

                    Everyone's entitled to their opinion. If they want to express it in an insulting and unprofessional manner, well that too is up to them. There's no point getting worked up what gets printed in EDGE really.

                    Especially if it's designed to incite threads and reaction such as this. Live and rise above the bollocks chaps.


                      They are talking about the new column in Edge, not a quote on the forum.

                      What someone said over at RLLM (though he posts here too):

                      NTSC-UK wasn't the only place slagging off GameStars or mocking the Mobile Light Force art. But I did get the distinct impression that his remarks were tailored towards them in particular (the Tekken 4 and shmup related comments.)


                        Originally posted by PeteJ
                        They are talking about the new column in Edge, not a quote on the forum.
                        Yes, I know. That's what my previous post was in relation to.


                          Erm, what's going on? The original post seems to have been removed.

                          What was it all about?

                          I'm guessing from the "it's him" comments that the identity of said Redeye has been revealed?


                            The Edge forum doesn't say anything that (isn't) said here.

                            I'm just as confused as before.



                              I'm all confused with this topic.

                              I will say this though - Gamestars IS CRAP, everyone knows that, even the casuals, and if anyone disagrees with me I'll give them my address and they can come round to my house where I'll beat the **** out of them.

