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Elite on GBA

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    Elite on GBA

    Having succumbed to lure of a GBA-SP I was rooting around the net and found that Elite is available as a port for the GBA.




    This had better deliver, after splashing the cash on a USB Flash Linker.

    Anyone actually played it, I will tomorrow, but I'm stuck away with work at the moment on an NT machine that won't run a GBA emulator. This could be an expensive mistake, but Elite has always been the greatest game I've every played, the thought of having it available in my pocket is akin to owning your very own set of tits that can be played with at any time.

    If it's crap I'll have to console myself with the bitch that is Monkey Ball Jnr.

    OK I've found it, thanks for letting all know, but have not got the necessary linker. Let me/us know if you get on alright as this is obviously a very exciting development.



      I too am very interested in this. I can't believe there hasn't been an officially developed version of this tbh. I can imagine there would be a lot of demand for a GBA version of Elite. Even better if they added an optional shaded option so that you could opt for solid graphics as well as classic wireframes.

      If anyone gets this up and running on their GBA, post and let us know how well it's running and what additional options (if any) exist over the Beeb version.


        I had heard that there was a conversion done ages ago, but Braben got hold of it and canned it. He doesn't want anyone else emuing it, but doesn't seem to want to deliver up his own product either. Bell as usual, seems to want to do whatever will piss Braben off the most.


          Ok, flash linker not arrived yet, but trusty GBA emu plays this flawlessly. Looks and plays very well, colour and shaded, here's the link to download, only 300K.

          This is going to get some serious play time.


            I've had this on my PC for quite a while now

            I' sure exactly how to play it though, so i haven't played it much
            (if someone could explian exactly what i do i would be grateful)

            I'll post a few shots in a few minutes and will be more than happy to share the ROM (which was released free btw) over MSN messenger ([email protected])

            Edit: OK here's some shots: (they probaly aren't great though)



              Those shots ARE great


                The original manual and the short story that came with Elite is available via a simple search on Google.

                Basically Elite is based around trading/survival.

                In the early stages of the game you want to avoid confrontations as much as possible, the laser on the stock ship is crap.

                Once a few kill are logged and a heap of money won then the choice is your whether to be a bad ass pirate and steal goods, or be a clean cut trader and trade legit.

                As kills are picked up, so your rating increases, towards to covetted 'Elite' status. There is no real end to the game, you just play and explore the different planets and galaxies.


                  2 Point, how well does this work on the GBA's d-pad? My last major session on Elite was Frontier, which was all mouse based. Is it still possible to play?


                    I last played elite a while ago using a megadrive pad on my amiga. The control was ace. I have long believed that it is perfect gba material, but sadly the powers that be (includeing Nintendo's draconian licensing arrangements?) have conspired against me.



                      Unfortunately my flash linker hasn't been delivered yet, so I haven't played this via the d-pad yet. Using my emulator the control of the ship seems quite fluid and not over sensitive, I have high hopes that this is the gaming nivarna it should be.

                      Having to go into a menu to select some functions will break the flow of the game, but with limited buttons there has to be comprimises. I'm surprised at how 'clean' the screen looks, expected a murkier mess.


                        Excellent. I'll try and dig up my linker cable tonight or tomorrow, let you guys know what it's like (non afterburner'd GBA here though).


                          Agreed, 2point. The menu does break it up (been playing for about 20 mins now), so it can be frustrating. Better if there was an option to pause while you're in the menu though, because it's not quite as quick as hitting t then m quickly to dispose of that unwanted (and unwarrented!) missile heading your way !!

                          Basic control is smooth though.


                            Originally posted by metal_mutley
                            Agreed, 2point. The menu does break it up (been playing for about 20 mins now), so it can be frustrating. Better if there was an option to pause while you're in the menu though, because it's not quite as quick as hitting t then m quickly to dispose of that unwanted (and unwarrented!) missile heading your way !!

                            Basic control is smooth though.
                            You can use select to target an enemy and B to fire a missile, so there is no need to enter the menu during dogfights


                              I was just discussing this on mirc a few week's ago.......

