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Do you convert others to games??

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    Do you convert others to games??

    Kinda inspired from a post in OT..

    Certainly over the years I have showed the games to many people..many already had a liking, some were fanatical, some were new console whores. Some though were fresh to videogaming, got into it and retained their interest, for some the interest faded.

    But recently, through my love on the retro stuff, I've found myself respreadig the word to my friends who maybe I didn't know years ago. By basically forcing 2 friends to get their xboxes chipped I have shown them the delights of previous generations and they are now both collectors. Additionally through the odd drunken friday conversation I've even managed to get some work colleagues to appreciate the games and even spent the best part of sunday afternoon with my boss on Metal Gear 3 (while he was meant to be doing the bbq!)

    What about the rest of you then?

    I've tried. I've failed and consequently given up.

    From my experience, the more you try and get someone to 'like' something, the more resistance they generally put up. Most people who I've seen that are new to gaming have stumbled on it by themselves.

    I'd love to convert someone unaware of gaming's potential with ICO though.


      I've never deliberately set out to "convert" someone to gaming. But my enthusiasm for gaming has rubbed off on a lot of people and thats led them to buy consoles themselves or more games than they normally would.


        Yeah same here Ish, i was playing RE4 the other day and after my mate saw me play it he went out and got a cube and RE4! Infact same happened when he saw my PSP lol


          Likewise - I don't really go for the conversion thing - It's no secret I love my gaming but I can think of a few "light" gamers who I've maybe turned into a more "heavy" user like myself i.e purchasing of high spec PC's and missing consoles 8)


            Non-game games are the easiest to swing people. By that I mean something which people don't have to learn or remember controls for. Classic examples are Dance Dance Revolution, Donkey Konga, Singstar and Super Monkey Ball. The second I put a pad in someone's hand and say 'this does this, that does that - but if you hold that it does this' they switch off. Basically it's got to be fun from the outset.


              Originally posted by babs
              Non-game games are the easiest to swing people. By that I mean something which people don't have to learn or remember controls for. Classic examples are Dance Dance Revolution, Donkey Konga, Singstar and Super Monkey Ball. The second I put a pad in someone's hand and say 'this does this, that does that - but if you hold that it does this' they switch off. Basically it's got to be fun from the outset.
              Which is funnily enough what Nintendo want to do with Revolution and the DS. Self explanatory games is the way forward to reach a greater market. If a game requires an instruction book to play, then most non-gamers won't even touch it.


                And if done right they're just as good, if not better. I find myself jaded now, and most big releases pass me by without a second thought because it's just recycled bollocks, or tedious repitition (to my way of thinking at least). I used to have more time for games, but anything that feels like a chore now I turn off, I get enough of that at work .

                I'll take genuinely fun games over the latest adult-em-up anyday.


                  At this point, I sometimes say Nintendo owes me for all the people I've ended up getting interested in so many of their titles, etc. All just through a non-pushy convo about the stuff. I'm practically their best salesmen sometimes, and I don't even get paid. How sad. Oh well, it's worth it just sharing what I love.


                    All you need is Wario Ware...


                      Originally posted by Ady
                      All you need is Wario Ware...
                      Or Eyetoy come to think of it. My mum loved that when I initially showed it her.

                      It was something she could actually play with.


                        It's taken ten years, but this weekend my girlfriend has finally given in. She wants to buy her own DS and everything. She had a fling with Super Puzzle Fighter on ps1 years ago and recently she started playing the Zookeeper flash game. She wasn't impressed with the GBA version, but I couldn't get her off the DS version. This weekend she's been playing Meteos and bamm!!! now NEEDS her own DS.

                        It's all about the stylus.

                        Now to get my nearly-2-year-old son on the Hori RAP for SF2 induction...

