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Recommend me a game like...

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    Recommend me a game like...

    ...KotOR I & II please, on XBOX.

    I know, it's not a very original question, but having just finished KotOR II and eagerly awaiting Jade Empire, are there any recommendations along the same lines already released?

    All suggestions welcome, just keep them clean

    People will shout at me, try fable its available for nothing these days and is a quality gaming experiance


      Agreed, Fable is a top game.


        I loved Fable, apart from the ending, but the voices did our lasses head in. She wouldn't stay in the room when I was playing it.


          Planescape: Torment, Fallout, Fallout 2, all on pc; between Bioware and Obsidian, the dev teams of KOTOR1 and 2 were involved. The writing is second to none. Torment is set in one of AD&Ds most interesting worlds - quite unlike anything you've probably ever played - and Fallout 1 and 2 are retro-post-apocalyptic scenarios. Think Mad Max in Canada.

          And yeah, the dialogue is second to none.


            Oh, and another recommendation for Fable. Haven't quite finished it, but it's utterly charming and full of great bits.


              Fable is class, try it mate.

              Also Sudeki, i hear people like it, to whoever i sell it to... Jade Empire demo was good, you should like that too


                Sounds like I should give Fable a go if I can find it cheap. Another I tried was Morrowind, but didn't really get into it.

                Thanks for the suggestions - keep them coming!


                  Yep Fable, plus it's multiregion.


                    Not long for Jade Empire - April 12th and it looks pretty stunning.

                    RPGs on the Xbox are pretty limited. There's Sudeki (but it's not that great) and Lord Of The Rings The Third Age, which is pretty much a meat and potatoes RPG but it works quite well.


                      Shenmue II?


                        despite what other people say, deus ex invisible war is a top class rpg type game and you'll be able to find it real cheap


                          baldurs gate, baldurs gate2, and the expansion packs for both (on the pc, not the crummy console versions)


                            Fable for sure. Lovely game with nice visuals and a fantastic soundtrack.

                            Just be aware that it's coming to PC later this year with a lot of new content.


                              I wasn't overly impressed with the demo of Jade Empire tho that might have been more down to it lasting about 2 minutes when we'd just paid ?6 for the cover disc to try it rather than it being a bad game :P

                              Someone mentioned Fallout, I believe there is Fallout Brotherhood of Steel on PS2 and Xbox as well? It does say it's from the makers of Dark Alliance so I'm assuming it's Bioware as well?

