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PSP's true potential untapped.

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    As soon as better-endurance batteries start to appear for the PSP, I'll be there like a rat up a drainpipe, so I don't see any negativity 'bout this at all...


      Originally posted by DavidFallows
      LOL. So what? Surely this isn't as bad as the N64 expansion pack. At least people only have the 'option' to pay ?20 for a higher capacity battery cell and aren't forced into it..
      you didn't have to buy the expansion pak if u didn't want it :P and jus like the expansion pak, you'll pretty much need the battery if it's gonna be worthwhile playing more demmanding games.


        apparently developers have been told to only make games that run at 233mhz and not the full 333mhz.

        there was an article somewhere aswell with the director of ridge racers saying that they could only use 60% of the CPU because it drained the battery too much.

        it all ties together


          Originally posted by EvilBoris
          apparently developers have been told to only make games that run at 233mhz and not the full 333mhz.

          there was an article somewhere aswell with the director of ridge racers saying that they could only use 60% of the CPU because it drained the battery too much.

          it all ties together
          Yep I read this as well, I think it was in Edge magazine, pr Games tm, I forget which.

          It seems good that Sony are willing to work to improve their product as much as possible, and at least they aren't doing the same as Apple with their ipod, where to get improved battery life, you would need to buy a whole new machine,
          to be able to buy a new battery and have a much improved performance from doing this seems pretty decent to me,
          some people just want to find something to complain about, even complainig when good news appears.


            "apparently developers have been told to only make games that run at 233mhz and not the full 333mhz"

            As far as I can make out, devs are incapable of doing 333mhz, because Sony have only given them libraries for 233 (the speed is done in software).


              Something no-ones theorised; maybe it's capped because it might compete too well with the PS2, and they want to keep selling those till the next gen. I predict the PSP gets uncapped when the PS3 comes out (or shortly after so as not to steal news headlines).


                Originally posted by Zed
                Something no-ones theorised; maybe it's capped because it might compete too well with the PS2, and they want to keep selling those till the next gen. I predict the PSP gets uncapped when the PS3 comes out (or shortly after so as not to steal news headlines).
                I Predict that a high capacity battery with co-incide with GT4, a white PSP and this clock speed increase.



                  Says it all really


                  Article main page.

                  Interesting artcicle all in all.
                  Last edited by Anderson21; 09-04-2005, 19:55.


                    Originally posted by baad bwoy
                    It seems good that Sony are willing to work to improve their product as much as possible, and at least they aren't doing the same as Apple with their ipod, where to get improved battery life, you would need to buy a whole new machine,
                    to be able to buy a new battery and have a much improved performance from doing this seems pretty decent to me,
                    some people just want to find something to complain about, even complainig when good news appears.
                    Erm I'm not complaining... but to make out that nice old Sony have done this for the good of us the consumers seems a bit odd.

                    The reality is Sony HAD to stipulate a cap on the psps performance because they would otherwise have had a battery related PR disaster on their hands.

                    Anyway its good to look forward to the psps improved performance (not that it needs it imo) but I wouldn't hold your breath for a vastly improved battery allowing this unlock anytime soon.


                      I'm sorry if I sounded critical in my post, I guess I am just feeling enthusiastic through having recently bought a psp,
                      I am hoping that the increase in battery performance might rival that which has been seen on the new gen ipod mini in relation to the 1st gen model, although this might be overly optimistic.


                        Originally posted by baad bwoy
                        I'm sorry if I sounded critical in my post, I guess I am just feeling enthusiastic through having recently bought a psp,
                        I am hoping that the increase in battery performance might rival that which has been seen on the new gen ipod mini in relation to the 1st gen model, although this might be overly optimistic.
                        Heh, no worries. I didn't think you sounded critical, just overly generous to Sony!

                        On your hopes for the battery front, well as I said, I can't see that happening for sometime to come. I just don't see the battery tech available yet or any time soon.


                          Perhaps the reason little has been said about this issue is that Sony would rather keep it quiet. People are likely to have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, they'll be pleased that the PSP will get better in future, but on the other they may feel slightly ripped off that their PSP is not being utilized to anywhere near it's full potential.

                          Probably best for Sony if most people remain unaware of the issue until the cap is lifted. Then it's just a nice surprise rather than a painful wait.


                            Originally posted by Smegaman
                            you didn't have to buy the expansion pak if u didn't want it :P and jus like the expansion pak, you'll pretty much need the battery if it's gonna be worthwhile playing more demmanding games.
                            I meant in the same sense that such great must have games were only accessible with the exp. pak: Majora + PD. An upgrade I felt worthy of purchase none the less.

