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Yoshi Touch and Throw?

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    Yoshi Touch and Throw?

    Is yoshi touch and go a more like toch and throw?

    You play it once and let it collect dust?

    The amount hype it got maybe why i feel let down unless I don't understand the game.
    My friend got me it from his holiday in NYC and I started playing today.

    Now the game idea rocks, drawing clouds for baby mario and then yoshi, circle monsters, blow clouds off etc....

    But is it just that 1 level?

    Mario dropping then yoshi?

    Its exact same thing... play it once and thats it I already got top score on it......

    is there more to it I am missing?!?!

    More levels or something???

    It has awesome gameplay but jeez dont tell me its that one lvl and thats it??


    I doubt you have a top score in it.



      I read that...

      I checked ign and it has screenshost of other levels unless that was a older version of game shown

      Just hope its not this same lvl over and over.. must be more somewhere..


        Initially there are two modes open to you: Score and Endless.

        In score you have to get as high a score as possible

        In endless you have to survive for as long as possible.

        If you get to the top of the scoreboard in those two modes two more modes open up - Time Attack and Survival.

        In time attack you have to complete the level as quick as possible.

        In survival you have to survive for as long as possible.


          in the one same level though right?


            Time attack and Score are both 1 level which are different from each other. THe score one can slightly change depending on how well you do in the first part.

            Both Endless and Survival are "randomly" generated levels which are both different from each other.



              Forget Yoshi's Island.

              Think Tetris.

              Yes, Yoshi Touch & Go was horribly mis-represented, but no, that doesn't make it anyway a bad or disappointing a game, because it is ultimately brilliant at what it does, frantic score-attack goodness.


                im disapointed with it to be honest.

                mind you, there better you get at it, the more fun it becomes, but if you **** up, theres not a very strong insentive to keep trying


                  Endless and survival are like that for me becuase they are so long you need to invest a good half an hour and then just one small mistake will ruin you.

                  But time attack and score attack arent like that at all - it only takes a couple of mins to go through them and you can "save" at the end of the falling mario part meaning you can have many goes at the yoshi level in quick succession meaning mistakes are not so frustrating.


                    Yeah, I started playing it today. It's simple and there doesn't seem to be much to it at first, but it's really compulsive.


                      i love touch yoshi. i'm only playing score attack vs. my lass but i've already had more than my money's worth of fun from it, and i still feel like i'm on a learning curve 20+ hours in...

                      however, the title should come with the following warning:

                      simple as that.
                      Last edited by mattSix; 17-04-2005, 10:21. Reason: typo!


                        Yeah i bought this game with my ds, i was worried about all the things people have said.
                        I truely think that socre based systems are the way to get people to play, my girlfriend and i were getting really competitive, the system encourages group play and the game becomes better because of it


                          Yoshi's high score table has constantly been shifting from me to my girlfriend since we got it. The competitive aspect of the high scores is superb. You play score attack at first and get 100 then 30 minutes later you get 200, then 2 hours you get 250 and so on. Nearly everytime we play it one of us beats a previously unbeatable score. That's the key to high score gaming: believing that a score can't be beat and then someone beats it and then beats it again...


                            Exactly! The first time I played it I was absolutely terrible at it and thought I'd never get those scores on the tables, but then you start to learn how to use the clouds properly and throw bubbles etc... I just beat 300 about half an hour ago so I thought I'd better give myself a break before I go dizzy

                            This is like at uni when we'd spend hours at a time shaving 100ths of seconds off Mario Kart 64 times. It got quite obsessive at one point.


                              I have to say, despite improving steadily, this game isn't what I expected. I knew it wasn't platformer, I knew it was a score attack. BUT, it really is just like one big mini-game, which dissapoints me. I've tried combo's etc, but I dunno, its just not appealing to me like I thought.

                              Fantastic premise though, just feels unfinished. If it weren't full price it'd probably sell bucket loads.

