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Interesting read on current state of game dev.

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    Interesting read on current state of game dev.

    Pretty interesting stuff, well I think so...
    I firmly believe most of what Mr Lanning says in this article and have done for the last few years.

    If it wasnt for Nintendo I'd be even more depressed for the current state of the industry.

    Thanks for that

    Pretty sad to read it though. I really respected Lanning's work and all of his games have been excellent, IMO. I don't care what people say, EA are ruining the industry and dragging it into the ground...not promoting the game at all is just one example ft:


      Very interesting article to read.

      THR: Where is the game industry going in the next two years -- in the same direction that prompted you to get out? And what will that mean for other game developers who are in the same situation? Will they get out too?
      Lanning: What it means moving forward is more consolidation, fewer opportunities for developers to make money and own properties, and continued sequel- and license-itis. Video game systems aren't being designed to be conducive to development, creativity, or content. They're being designed to be cheaper for manufacturing.
      Pretty depresing indeed, let's hope Nintendo can turn the tide with the Revolution.


        A real shame about the industry, I wonder how much it costs to startup a publishing firm.


          He makes some interesting points, but this move was to be expected somewhat as he always seemed more interested in movies than games anyway.

