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RETRO Consolevania Episode

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    RETRO Consolevania Episode

    Hehehehe just finished watching the episode, very good and very funny.

    This is a direct http download this time, so no need to bother with bittorent. Weighs in at 100MB so not too long to wait.

    The show was about mostly C64 and Spectrum games, machines that i never owned or played cos i was still a kid, but it was good to see an era of games and computers i missed. Kind of makes you appreciate how far games have come since those days.

    Anyway loads of funny bits such as

    *Zoo Keeper Manager rants xD "Bring me a boy." :huh:
    *US NES Adverts WWF, Zelda (wtf, if i saw this advert i would of thought **** buying this game, its gash.)
    *Dr Who and Apprentice
    *Dr Who and Apprentice vs Hitler and his Retro Army x) LOL at Ryans screaming
    *Jimmy Saville - Class :P
    *2007-Nintendo Revolution and Miyamoto in a bin interview. lol
    *LEGEND "XBL champion" bit was quite good too.

    *End of level boss and sub level boss was rubbish though. >_<;

    Also, a bit of viral marketing shananigans from the CV boys, seeming as they apparently got themselves a TV gig. At the end credits appears...TEH FRAUDCAST.

    The Fraudcast: But We Digress is a podcast about what you are talking about! Each week we take a deep dive into the subjects, topics, movies, shows, and pop culture moments you are talking about. If you’re not talking about it yet, you will be!

    Do you like bees? :|

    Giant_Frying_Pan @ RLLMUK

    Meta tags from

    "content="free downloadable tv shows"

    "keywords" content="Fraudcast, Consolevania, Vidz, Nigel Buckland, Robert Florence, Ryan MacLeod, Amelie, Friday953, music videos, radio shows"
    Heh, nice idea :P Nigel Buckland...heard that name before. Anyway, good to see that things are goin well for these guys, and they will finnally get some good capture equipment.

    A test show at 24th April 22.00 HYPE MACHINE :P I think this is gonna be the internet portion of their TV show, so whatever they cant get away with on TV, they can have a seprate version available on the net or just totally different shows on the net to that on the tv. Sounds like a good idea.
    Last edited by jassi singh; 21-04-2005, 06:07.

    Busy putting it on my PSP so I can watch it on the way home tonight I think I get bonus geek points for watching a cult games show, on a flash handheld, on a train

    Looking at the comments on rllmuk it seems like it will be quite a good episode. Can't wait for the Fraudcast.


      Cracking episode, will be missed greatly if nothing ever comes of it... here's hoping!


        Did anyone take a look at the Fraudcast?

        Surreal enough to make sure I'll keep tabs on it for a while


          Checked Fraudcast website around 10.15 last night but didn't see anything new...

          Really good show though - loved the 'future of handhelds' thing - it's the natural thing to draw on the DS (not that I'm weird or nothing!).

          The TV show deserves to do brilliantly.


            There is a short clip on there at the mo, and text saying there will be more next sunday.


              Nigel Buckland is the welsh guy out of 4later show VIDS if memory serves correctly

              "Nikka nakka nikka nakka" and all that jazz


                Does anyone remember the VIDS special they did on comedy porn? There was a clip in that show which featured a naked guy with a bass guitar and a big afro, standing in the corner getting down with the funk while a couple shagged each other.

                I need that clip, lol.


                  Enjoyed this ep - so many games featured that I remember playing on the Speccy and C64. Law of the West was a classic, which took bloody ages to play as each of the different scenarios had to load up from tape.

                  Chuckie Egg rocks.


                    yeh good ep, hope they keep doing stuff! if your reading guys, keep at it!


                      I found this site by accident, or fate. I am a big fan of Nigel Buckland aka Nige fae VIDZ and have been to see his stand-up show at the Stand Comedy Club in Glasgow a few times. I stuck his name into Google and found this page. I forgot to mention I am also a big fan of computer games, especially the golden era of speccy vs. C64. Anyways, I downloaded the clip, watched it and loved it. I am now downloading the entire series and have joined their forum. But the thing I don't understand is how did I come across this life changing web page? Where does Nigel Buckland come into all this?!?! If anyone out there knows please help. If you are a fan of his work you can find a transcript of stand up material at this site...


