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Pokemon Gold review [final draft]

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    Pokemon Gold review [final draft]

    Pokemon Gold: EUR version. Game Boy/Game Boy Colour

    Pok?mon Gold, one of the sequels to the original batch of games that set the world alight and spawned a whole new craze, is an easy game, much like it?s predecessors. At the same time, it?s also an impossibly complex game, which will stretch your imagination and encourage you to adopt and create Machiavellian strategies in order to dominate your opponent on the battlefield. Again, much like it?s predecessors.

    The main mode of the game is your basic tree-hugging, rival-beating storyline RPG. Most puzzles are easily solved, and are usually little more than variation on the tried and tested ?trawl through a dungeon to get to the other side/find a key? formula. Of course, the storyline only exists to give the game direction and slowly unfold the complexities of the battle system and Pok?mon handling to newcomers. The real meat of the game is not to be found in completing the storyline, but in the things you take in whilst advancing it. In the dark forests, lonely caves and high-tech labs can be found wondrous Pok?mon to capture and cunning trainers to beat in battle. It is in the areas of fighting and rearing Pok?mon where the game possesses true depth. Sadly the player is never forced by the game to scratch the superficial surface and reveal the glorious challenge underneath, since the age-old practice of overlevelling your team can win the day. However, much more satisfying is beating a same-level Pok?mon through cunning, strategy and logical reasoning.

    Inevitably, we must turn to a discussion of the game?s visual appearance. Gold holds its own well against most other Game Boy Colour games, and the main overworld is aesthetically pleasing enough. The quality of character design for the new entries to the pok?dex is high, and Game Freak show no signs of the creative exhaustion that will plague their later work. Another joy for veteran fans of the series is the ability to import monsters from Red, Blue and Yellow and see their favourite Pok?mon line-up rendered in glorious multi-colour, with enhanced artwork.

    The core user interface, something of a bugbear in the originals has been spruced up. Now different items are stored in different compartments in your bag, meaning that the player can quickly find the desired item. It also simplifies the storyline mode all players find themselves in. Key quest items are stored on their own, so a player will now no longer think a Nugget is an important item that will aid their passage through the game.

    Other welcome updates include the addition of hold items, which as the name suggests, one of the furry little critters can hold in battle to power up their abilities or use to heal themselves or cure status effects. Picking the right hold item for the right Pok?mon before entering battle can mean the difference between defeat and victory, especially against certain gym leaders and trainer types. In a nod towards the arrival of the digital telecommunications era, each trainer is issued with a mobile phone. You can use this to ring important people in the game, and be contracted by other trainers who will ring you for a rematch after levelling up their Pok?mon. This really does keep the experience fresh, once the main storyline has been completed and allows the player to spot weaknesses in their squad if they make any fundamental changes to their line-up after beating the Elite 4. Not that it ends there, once the Elite 4 in Johto have been defeated, the Kanto region opens up. Now all the gym leaders from the original games can be challenged. And this time, they?re no pushover, some of them fielding well balanced squads.

    Arguably the most important revolution in Gold is the addition of Pok?mon breeding. Leaving two compatible Pok?mon with the old couple at the day-care will eventually produce an egg. In time this hatches into a low-level Pok?mon, often with new and interesting move sets. The massive changes this means for trainers interested in creating a ?super squad? of crack Pok?mon is beyond the scope of this review and could fill a whole book. Which indeed it does. To obtain the most out of Gold, it is necessary for the player to purchase a strategy guide detailing stats, Pok?mon move lists and important breeding information. A person not familiar with the series might perceive this to be a cynical and unnecessary attempt on Nintendo?s part to increase revenue through the age-old practice of secondary selling. However, a strategy guide turns a player?s journey through the complex world of Pok?mon from a random mish-mash where success is often due to luck and a high boredom threshold, into a cerebral affair where he or she can decide where his time and energy would be best placed in order to achieve his or her goal. As the player?s familiarity with the game and guide increases, so does their realisation of the wonderful intricacies embedded into levelling up, breeding and battling.

    The battle system has been overhauled significantly since the originals, with the inclusion of two new types and a whole array of new moves to counter the glut of players that relied solely on psychic type Pok?mon to win the day. Existing types and moves have been overhauled too, to produce the most balanced system to date. It would be foolish to deny that flaws do not exist, but in most cases, the player will no longer find themselves swearing due to a hugely apparent lack of balance in move sets and type match-ups. Levelling up, with the addition of a strategy guide, remains a satisfying affair.

    Pok?mon Stadium 2 on the N64 should definitely be mentioned. Whilst it is a fine game in it?s own right, and deserves a review of it?s own, the symbiotic link-up between Stadium 2 and Pok?mon Gold should definitely be mentioned. Stadium 2 contains many different tournaments, each with exquisite rules and regulations. Any player who wishes to succeed on the harder difficulty levels must bring along their own squads of Pok?mon. Here, the player cannot win through overlevelling, and the player has to finally make sensible choices about which Pok?mon to use. The level restrictions imposed by many of the cups means a Pok?mon fielded might not have access to a move the player is normally so reliant on. The player is forced to breed Pok?mon from eggs and take advantage of this extensive feature in Gold. Whilst a strategy guide helps the player plan and layout his strategy for winning, it is Stadium 2 where those strategies are put to the test and proven. It should be mentioned then, that any player interested in purchasing Gold, should also purchase Pok?mon Stadium 2 for the N64, in order to derive full satisfaction from all those hours spent pouring over the strategy guide.

    As clich? as it is, it would be possible to go on all day and well into the night detailing the subtle complexities and intricacies that make Pok?mon Gold one of the most intellectually stimulating and fun games in years. However, why read about the world of Johto, when you can experience it for yourself. It?s not as if you used your GameCube in a while, and the Game Boy player sitting snugly underneath it is just crying out to be used.

    Last edited by Crispin; 26-04-2005, 19:29.

    It's a pity you reviewed the wrong Pok?mon game. I think you meant to type "Pokemon Blue review" at the top ;P We all know it's the daddy!


      Blue and it's cohorts are messed up. Everyone just uses Alakazam, and then you're screwed. Also, certain types in it are almost pointless, such as Ghost, Bug and Fighting.
      It's better if you like grass pokemon though. I'll never forgive what they did to my Venusaur in Gold. Razor leaf with 55 attack and 75% chance to hit = crap.


        Na Nips, Mewtwo is too strong in R and B.
        Whilst the original characters are the best, G and S kept them and then added breeding and baby Pokemon, Dark to combat Psychic and the wonderful Scizor and Tyranitar. Though you had to work hard for that dino.

        One problem though Crispin. DS doesn't play GB Colour games.
        You'll need to change
        It?s not as if you used your DS in a while, and the Game Boy Advance slot is just crying out to be filled?
        And a pink blob and some weird ass sea creatures have filled my hole, I'll let you know.

        I think a section on how this game works so well to enchance N64 Stadium 2, and vice versa, might be interesting too.


          Nah, Mewtwo is the broken psychic pokemon that everyone uses... I has flaws, I'll agree, but after teh huge sprawling universe on Blue, after pumping so many hours into it, I found Gold rather stale, and many innovations more infuriating than fun, detracting from the whole game. The same is true with the extra 100 pokemon. They lost a lot of the charm of the originals and made the whole task of collecting almost impossible, especially when you had to link up to even more carts. Moving back in time was great, as was fighting Ash and stuff... Brilliant game no doubt, but the charm and innocence of the first game was lacking, imho. However, my opinions are pretty irrelevent, it was a nice article.

          Just as a side note, Gold is a GB game, not a GBC game. It's compatible with both and therefore does not take full advantage of the GBCs processing abilities - note, why it looks pretty crappy, although much better than the HORRIBLY dated blue/red. But I'm just being a pedant.


            To obtain the most out of Gold, it is necessary for the player to purchase a strategy guide detailing stats, Pok?mon movelists and important breeding information. A person not familiar with the series might perceive this to be a cynical and unnecessary attempt on Nintendo?s part to increase revenue through the age-old practice of secondary selling. However, a strategy guide turns a player?s journey through the complex world of Pok?mon from a random mish-mash where success is often due to luck and a high boredom threshold, into a cerebral affair where he or she can decide where his time and energy would be best placed in order to achieve his or her goal.

            I couldn't agree more. I found myself in exactly the same position with R/B and it is most definitely true... the whole game opens up, even after you've beaten the Elite 4.

            And so, we turn to Pok?mon Gold, one of two proper sequels to the original batch of Pok?mon games that set the world alight. Gold isn?t a poor game. It?s not even a good game. Gold is a great game.
            Tbh, I'm not sure what you mean by, "It's not even a good game" etc... It sounds a little pointless to me.

            A poor game poses a simple problem, and the solution readily suggests itself to the player. Repeat until credits. A good game poses a complex problem, and the solution requires thought and ingenuity on the player's behalf. Repeat until credits.
            This doesn't sit well with me. I don't think that it is accurate. A poor game can have a complex problem that requires ingenuity etc, but can be made so poorly that good ideas are squandered. Equally, complexity does not translate into a good game directly. Equally, many games have no real problems, shoot 'em ups for example, and racing games. I mean, there is no real problem beyond how do I race faster and get better.

            I dunno, that statement just doesn't really seem to hold water... equally:

            Part of what makes Pok?mon Gold a great game, instead of merely a good one, is that the player is mostly free to pursue whatever path he or she wishes. They choose their own problem, and look to themselves and the gameworld for the solution.
            I think that it's important to add that the puzzles in Gold really do fail to progress much further than R/B becuase all the same HMs are tehre (plus a few) and thigns like blocks sliding around on ice remain... They're great puzzles, and the many sidequests in Gold are great, but they really don't move much further from R/B.

            Equally, you might want to add, than on the whole this game is REALLY REALLY REALLY easy, and that to compete the main quest and that simple levelling of characters will normally suffice to overcome gym leaders etc. Perhaps make it clear that multi-play is really where movesets come into play.

            I very much like the idea of mentioning stadium etc... that would be cool.


              Thanks for the advice, I'm taking on board your opinions, and I'll see what I can do to change the intro, it does need a lot of work. I'll briefly mention the difficulty level.

              When I'm talking about problems, perhaps I should be more specific and say what I mean - individual quests such as Pokedex completion, creating a super squad etc. I think I'll scrap that from the review.

              As for the N64 Stadium 2 hookup, I'll have to think about that. On the one hand it is a seperate entity in it's own right. On the other hand, it actually does give the player a reason to breed lvl 5 pokemon with ultimate move lists.


                Second draft posted. Intro overhauled completely. Stadium 2 mentioned.

                Keep the advice rolling in lads and ladies.




                  Good review, obviously alot of passion for the game and series and it shows. I would say it is more of a tribute/article than a review tbh! And like Nippor said; i think you had this mixed up with Yellow. :P !



                    Actually, Yellow was definitely the best out of the first four (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), since you could finally have Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise all on the same team without having to do any trades and of course, Pikachu following you everywhere was a stroke of genius. Shame I never got him to learn Surf. Oh well.

                    Of course, of the original 3 starter Pokemon, Charizard is the weakest - fire/flying ? What were they thinking? Ice moves have x1 effectiveness against him compared to a pure fire type. And apart from Flamethrower, he really didn't have any naturally learned moves that would be useful. Venusaur on the other hand, as well as Blastoise were reliable solid as a rock tanks. If they couldn't handle it, you better start getting worried.


                      I have played Gold. I think it was the GBC one I have played the most. The situation was helped by managing to get a couple of mint Pokemon GBC's for trading though the first lead I got didn't seem to work. I recently managed to get an official Nintendo link lead which may prove more successful.

                      I eventually manage to fill most of the holes in my Pokemon collection. Admittedly I had to resort to getting an American Crystal as the UK prices got a little out of hand. The collection was started when I managed to get Yellow from my local WHS for a fiver last year. I even managed to get a still sealed Silver (which is still sealed!!) from Ebay for a sensible price.

