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SC 2 - Specific format characters

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    I like Astaroths "DISGUSTING"

    A mate uses the word to describe woman who look like they worry their parents and look a bit dirty.

    "She's DISGUSTING!!1"

    So when Ivy steps up i can't help but smile a little.


      Originally posted by stroppa
      Heihachi is quite poor, but then I find SC2 on the PS2 as a whole to be quite poor.
      Its a shame because it plays really well. One thing I like is even if your not using a stick the PS2 pad is at least made for human hands.

      And Kilik is the man!


        Originally posted by Che Musashi
        Originally posted by stroppa
        Heihachi is quite poor, but then I find SC2 on the PS2 as a whole to be quite poor.
        Its a shame because it plays really well. One thing I like is even if your not using a stick the PS2 pad is at least made for human hands.

        And Kilik is the man!
        There really isn't anything of significance between the GC and PS2 versions. I've seen them both running side by side, and couldn't tell any visual difference between them. The GC version did load quicker though, but there wasn't much in it.

        Personally I like Heihachi's inclusion, and would have had him over Link any day. Projectile attacks? Big cartoon poiny ears! Pah! I'll take Hei's mid-hitting ewgf any day. Mind you, I've always liked Tekken (seem to be in a minority on this forum), so I'm probably biased.

        I haven't seen the Xbox version, or Spawn, so I can't compare it to the other two. I would say that if you are not using a stick (and why aren't you) then the PS2 has easily the best pad controller.


          Heihachi's reaction times are much too swift and somewhat unfair. Because he doesn't have a weapon to swing around he is able to pull off moves much quicker than other characters giving him a somewhat unfair advantage. When he reaches a certain point in his 10 hit strings there is no opportunity to block.

          Really annoying.


            Originally posted by C'
            Heihachi's reaction times are much too swift and somewhat unfair. Because he doesn't have a weapon to swing around he is able to pull off moves much quicker than other characters giving him a somewhat unfair advantage. When he reaches a certain point in his 10 hit strings there is no opportunity to block.

            Really annoying.
            I didn't know that about his 10-string. I haven't really played around with his 10-string as you have to be soul charged, and presumed that they could be broken out of easily (like in Tekken).


              Finally owning a version to call my own, I have to say at least in Arcade mode and for the first 5 fights in Survival the AI is Retarded. It would be so nice to have a purty fighter like SC2 with the crafty AI of Virtua Fighter.

              Still I got it to play with my wife, there is no better competition than human competition.

