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Gamers and Laypeople

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    Gamers and Laypeople

    I really don't know what to call people who don't play games, but I work with a whole bunch of them and I swear that sometimes I could be speaking Greek.

    When laypeople think of games they think of Vice City or whatever the big AAA title currently getting the latest media/press/advertising time on television. If you try to explain how cool Ico is, or the magic of Mr. Driller they usually meet you with a blank stare.

    Laypeople don't understand the joy of finally getting their hands on Puzzle Fighter. Or putting 5.00 into a Soul Caliber 2 machine. Its strange and foreign to them. But if they have kids and they want to invest wisely, you are suddenly the great sage.

    I made this topic because I wonder if other people have had similar experiences. For me the worst thing is I have something great to talk about, like today I got my JPN ps2 and SC2 and I had a great time playing it a lunch, and then I get back to work and I know nobody would appreciate it. Instead I'd come off like some Video game freak who clearly hasn't "grown up" or something.

    Either way its a drag to have a cool gaming moment and then nobody to revel in your glory.

    its a drag to have a cool gaming moment and then nobody to revel in your glory
    Tell me about it. Isn't that the reason people come to forums like this? Because it's somewhere that we don't have to feel weird because we fantasise about the next time we'll get a chance to dress up in a green tunic and pretend we're a blond boy on a mission.

    I'm always made to feel like there's something wrong with me because I'd rather game than do something normal like watch 'Corrie'. Apparently an altogether more wholesome hobby.

    But it does make it all the more satisfying when you can turn someone to the dark side.

    I'm lucky though, because there's a chap at my work who is a comitted gamer and a good decade older than me. So any accusations of childishness I defer to him.


      the most patronising question I get asked every day is this...

      "so, you still playing away on your playstations and that?"

      The tone in which it is asked grates my soul. I'm convinced they are laughing on the inside at me, my response is usually a self deprecating one...

      "yes, what a sad bastard I must be..."


        Well it's what you make of it really. If you are enthusiastic in the right way, you might even get them interested. Failing that, there's always irc...


          A recent story from me.

          I was chatting to my friend, and I mentioned that it was E3. I can't remember 100% how it came up. I think she asked me what I was doing that night, and I said I was going home to check E3 movies I had downloaded. Anyway, after explaining what it is and how important it is I got one of her "looks" which I always get when I mention the word games. No interest, and you can tell what shes thinking - "mindless games".

          Anyway to cut a long story short. About an hour later I got a text from her. She was excited as she had managed to pic up a pair of red trousers for Saturday night. I just thought it was kinda ironic at her getting all excited about this, yet I can't mention being excited about games.


          Oh well.


            I've never been ashamed to tell people that I play games and I honestly don't see why I should be. Whenever someone gives me a dirty look or says something because I'm excited about the next Final Fantasy or Mario game, I either ignore them completely or call one of their hobbies. Someone I went to school with (who played cricket... ) used to call me for even owning a console. One day I said 'At least I don't play cricket' and the room fell silent. Everyone looked at him and he didn't say a word That was one of the single greatest moments of school for me

            Last week, I showed my Mum 'Zelda: The Wind Waker' and she thought it looked brilliant Was I ashamed to tell her I'm playing a 'kid's' game? Hell no.

            I then showed her Metroid and Burnout 2, and a few others, and she was amazed by them - 'they look so real'

            Bottom line IMO: Games are cool.

            This is my first post btw...hi everyone


              My parents generally let me get on with games... my dad kinda has an interest - he'll play multiplayer games with me, such as Mario Party and other 'classics' which we've always enjoyed. He also quite likes PC FPS's, as a 'getaway', though all that 'cathartic' bs he talks about them doesn't help, it does make me feel grateful that he's OK with games. My parents don't particularly like buying me games and what not for Christmas, birthdays etc., but they really don't mind me doing it. Also, my friends don't have much problem with it, as they all like/used to like games. Multiplayer is still great, and we often have long Smash Brothers sessions etc. I can even discuss the likes of E3, and upcoming games with them.

              Ahhh, how great it is to be me .


                Yeah, I can imagine it being pretty crap to have none of your friends sharing your interest in gaming. Luckily enough I have a few friends who are either heavily into PC gaming or console gaming (don't import though.. PAL hardcore if you will ) and can't say I'm ever short of people to talk to about games, 2 friends are currently pestering me for copies of all the E3 Movies I downloaded from gamespot complete.


                  It's not a great position to be in, that's for sure, if it wasn't for this website I prob would have gone slightly mad for want of gaming conversation before now. I do have a fair ammount of luck in striking up chats about gaming with people around my age ( although I have to avoid getting too passionate about the subject, natch ), but my mates have always been P.C gamers and askew the delights of consoles to a frustrating degree ( when all someone can point out about the visuals of Zelda: Wind Waker is that there is some background shimmer, you know you're wasting your time ).

                  It is a relief knowing I'll have someone to chat to about Half-Life 2 and Doom3 when they materialize, but likewise I have never experienced Halo Co-op as everyone who I expose to it goes 'but I want to do the deathmatch', and as anyone knows Halo deathmatch with less than 8 players is an incredibly dull experience.

                  Likewise, I was eager to show my brother the amazing new Half-Life 2 videos from E3 when he came home last weekend, but even though the original ranks amongst his favourite games of all time he showed next to no interest. It seems that unless the finished product was actually in his hands he didn't want to know about it, which was a shame as discussing the possibilities and new developments is a major part of what makes gaming such a great passtime, IMO.


                    Originally posted by metal_mutley
                    its a drag to have a cool gaming moment and then nobody to revel in your glory
                    Tell me about it. Isn't that the reason people come to forums like this? Because it's somewhere that we don't have to feel weird because we fantasise about the next time we'll get a chance to dress up in a green tunic and pretend we're a blond boy on a mission.

                    I'm always made to feel like there's something wrong with me because I'd rather game than do something normal like watch 'Corrie'. Apparently an altogether more wholesome hobby.

                    But it does make it all the more satisfying when you can turn someone to the dark side.

                    I'm lucky though, because there's a chap at my work who is a comitted gamer and a good decade older than me. So any accusations of childishness I defer to him.
                    good topic.....

                    the bit above about "corrie" has forced me to reply..

                    I work with 11 other blokes, 3 of us are 30, six of em are 40-45, the other 3 are 50-54.
                    Last week we sort of had a soap vs gaming war, 2 of the 40 year old basts vs my best m8 and me (30) - snipping, piss taking lasted all week, and became quite heated - my m8+me absolutely ****ing hate all soaps with a vengance. The 2 other blokes we were working with talk about em like its real life, discussing plot lines, they even prepare questions asking each other about past characters, storylines etc, its like working with a couple of ****ing grannys at times. Then they have the cheek to take the piss when we are discussing (as it was last week) E3.

                    One of em in particular, who is also a good friend of mine constantly goes on about us exercising our fingers, playing with things like giant chickens (wtf he got that idea from i'll never know), the funny thing is, if we stick Scali on, hes up for a game and will button bash with the best of em - and how humiliating it is if you ever loose a bout to him

                    Last night 2 of em sat down and watched an hour of soaps, starting with "corrie" (i even hate the ****ing word) - i can't even bring myself to sit in the room when this **** is on, so i find a quiet corner elsewhere and sit playing tetris for an hour.

                    Three of the other blokes all 40+ do also have an interest in games, one of em has 4 kids that all play games, his house is full of consoles, and i mean really full, ranging from atari's snes's n64's etc etc up to and including at least 2 each on the next gen consoles. He doesn't play himself at all, but is always interested in my m8 and mines conversations, opinions and ideas, as he relates these back to his mrs (who is also a gamer) and of course the kids.

                    Another of the old boys 50+ is without doubt a "casual gamer" - (hate that term too) - very intersted in all our chats about games, and funnily enough has bought a PS2 + Xbox this week (couldn't make his mind up).
                    This bloke is very open minded, and its very,very refreshing to see. In the past we've completed both SH1 and SH2 together, him watching giving advice, me playing doing all the controls. but this is the thing, he's bought a PS2 for ICO, (and the new TR) - i played it at work one day and that was enough for him to spend his cash, although its taken a long time to do so.

                    All in all, i guess im pretty lucky, there's usually at least 1 bloke i'm working with that i can talk games with - when me and my best m8 are working together, we always bring in a console, recently its been xbox, SC2 + 2 hori sticks LOL - not much work gets done on those boring night shifts......

                    but please don't tell the boss........ 8)


                      Pretty much the same for me here, I currently own all three of the next gen consoles (either US domestic or modded in some way) though it seems all I can ever talk about is the PS2 or PC FPS games. When I first got Metroid Prime last December, they were somewhat impressed by it but kept saying "this would be so cool on the PC" or "how lame, you have to use auto-aim/lock-on". The countless times I had to explain to them that Metroid Prime is not supposed to be a FPS game...

                      Another favourite scenario is "I'd love to get a GameCube/X-Box but...". Despite their undying, casual love for their PS2s (PAL at that...) and PCs, they do appreciate some of the games I have. Smash Bros Melee is a definite favourite amongst them. We often have 12 hour long sessions of non stop mayhem. Sadly, this is really the only game any of them see worthy of getting a GameCube for. They're completely blind to the awe of Wind Waker and other standout titles. And because of that, they're not willing to shell out 100 odd quid for a superb console, which would undoubtedly broaden their taste in games simply because they can only justify one game for it. They're willing to spend excessive amounts on their PCs which seriously changes very little with the end product.

                      Then there's the Doom 3 argument we're currently having. I'm looking forward to the X-Box version simply because thats the only way I'll be able to play it (not a PC gamer at all, only have a laptop). Its always "but it won't be as good as playing it on the PC". To me it will since chances are I'll never get a chance to play the PC version so it'll make very little difference at all.


                        Originally posted by Dee

                        Then there's the Doom 3 argument we're currently having. I'm looking forward to the X-Box version simply because thats the only way I'll be able to play it (not a PC gamer at all, only have a laptop). Its always "but it won't be as good as playing it on the PC". To me it will since chances are I'll never get a chance to play the PC version so it'll make very little difference at all.
                        I see what you mean. What if the XB version is a poor port? Does that mean the differences between it, and the PC version don't matter?

                        This sort of line has been used when discussing pal, and import. Ive read it before that if you don't play import, then the differences do not matter due to the PAL conversion. IMO you don't need to actually experience the differences to realise that they exist. To me its like putting your head in the sand, and ignoring it.


                          I'm really lucky. My partner and I have a very open and understanding relationship. I mean, if we're shopping, I'll spend every penny in Game shops, she isn't really a games fan and she prefers clothes... So we have a good mix.

                          I give her the odd comment: "Wow, that top looks great, I bet it would go well with those trousers your got for Christmas." and she'll offer: "Oh, is that the game you were talking about on the internet, the one that's comming out on the Gamecube soon..."

                          It's really nice. I just set up a LAN, and she enjoys playing Unreal Tournament with me, she likes the speed dropped and bot level on easy too, but you have to give to get

                          She loves Mr Driller and Space Chanel 5, the first thing she asked to do when we got home from two weeks holiday was play on SC5! But she'd never buy a console...

                          It's really good, We're really well-rounded... But I also have a few friends who are really big games fans. Two of them are REALLY good gamers...

                          My one friend is a big PC and N64 gamer. e's a completist. Completed SM64 and most FPSs 100%... But he's got some friends and we'll play on a LAN together, really fun, really cometetive... One of my other friends is a console gamer and a completist. He'll play games for 7 hours straight. HE completed SMS, SM64, Waverace, Rogue Leader 100%, pretty much any game he gets...

                          It's a good mix... But in my VI form common room we have a SNES which i brought in, and we play it every day, quick Raz on Street Fighter II Turbo, or about 12 of us will try to complete Mario World! It's really good. I'm very lucky, in every part of my life I have people who understand games or enjoy them as much as me...


                            I have one good friend whos into games as much as i am. (he draws the line at importing though). However at uni most of my mates are only really into pc games. We do have the odd disturbingly deep conversations about medieval:total war and how to takeover europe though.


                              Originally posted by replicant
                              Originally posted by Dee

                              Then there's the Doom 3 argument we're currently having. I'm looking forward to the X-Box version simply because thats the only way I'll be able to play it (not a PC gamer at all, only have a laptop). Its always "but it won't be as good as playing it on the PC". To me it will since chances are I'll never get a chance to play the PC version so it'll make very little difference at all.
                              I see what you mean. What if the XB version is a poor port? Does that mean the differences between it, and the PC version don't matter?

                              This sort of line has been used when discussing pal, and import. Ive read it before that if you don't play import, then the differences do not matter due to the PAL conversion. IMO you don't need to actually experience the differences to realise that they exist. To me its like putting your head in the sand, and ignoring it.
                              I'm sure there will be differences, we all know about poor conversions in some way or another, as you've mentioned. The difference here is not that I won't get the PC version, but more that I can't. I just don't have the finance to be able to afford the hardware needed to play the PC version of Doom 3. If I had a decent PC which was capable of playing it, believe me I wouldn't even consider the ported version.

