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Virtua Fighter - name your fighter...

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    Virtua Fighter - name your fighter...

    Feeling generic this afternoon, so here goes - 'tis a great game & I was just wondering who everyone throws down with, & who you wouldn't touch with a bargepole.

    I'm admittedly at novice standard at the moment - but (hopefully), one day, my Goh will humble peeps. I wouldn't touch Akira just because from what I've been told, he's experts only.

    What say you?

    I started off with Akira but couldnt really get into him.

    Now I'm kicking it with good old Jacky, who is lethal in the right hands


      I'm not much good yet having only dabbled at VF3 a little bit in the past.

      I got quite heavily into VF4 for the last 6 months and my Jacky has about a 1000 matches under his belt and a win percentage of 70%.

      I'm learning how to use Akira a bit, and I feel I'm beginning to understand the timing a little bit better, but there isn't much point getting heavily into him until PAL Evo comes out next month.

      My most hated character would probably be Aoi because at the higher dans the computer pulls all these nasty big damage reversals on me.


        I`m Pai at the moment (reckon I`ll move onto Lau after a few months though as well) and my win rate down the arcades is currently 45.4% (which is not bad at all considering I`ve only played 70 matches in total down the arcade and most of my opponents have played at least 2,000 matches- and some of them as many as 12,000).

        Theres SO MUCH I need to learn (the game is just too deep) but I`m getting there slowly but surely.

        EDIT= Just saw Boogs post, and thought I ahould add that my win rate is not from playing against the computer but actually down the arcades against Japanese guys (and ladies).


          Wolf, Shun and Aoi in order,
          I would have learnt Akira but too many peeps use him now are are pretty sick so I'd be just jumping on the bandwagon


            Sarah, kage and jeffrey, in that order. Used to luv akira but he's too close range for my liking.



              I play as Pai, and currently got a 92% win ratio. Her moves come so natural to me, although I use 9KK far too often. Only played with her on VF3, and I get pwned when playing with anyone else


                Im definately no where near a VF expert, so I am quite happy using PAI at this stage. I find her fairly easy to get to grips with, and so far I am doing ok with her.


                  I'm new to virtua fighter so i started out playing with Akira but i quickly reailised he wasn't a character for a beginner when i was practising his Doppo Chou****su, which requires some immaculate timing to pull off but was extremely satisfying when executed.
                  I currently playing with Pai, She a lot easier to pick up then Akira and more helpful in learning the overall fighting mechanics of VF4.

                  Cant believe i never touched a virtua fighter game until until VF4, one of the best game i have played in a long time, i've been missing out for far too long.


                    Im using Pai. She is a very quick and deadly character. I have played about 150 matches with her so far and my win percentage is around 90%


                      Lei Fei man here.
                      Just love his Shaolin style, and stances.

                      I occasionally use Pai/Jacky/Lion.
                      I've tried Akira a few times and could pull off most of his moves ok on the stick in training mode. Although the three main moves i can't fluidly pull off is his:
                      knee floater = K+G (release G after 1 frame)
                      SPoD combo facing left, although have no trouble facing right.
                      Dragon Lance combo - i have more success pulling this off facing right than left. It's the timing after 6P then onto 466P that kills me. Just not quick enough.


                        I'm best with Sarah but I dabble with Aoi and Goh.


                          I'm learning Goh at the moment but I'm more at home with Akira.

                          I have a long way to go with both


                            This thread needs more Aoi love.


                              My victory characters are Lau and Akira. My backup character is Lei Fei. My playable characters are Pai, Aoi and Sarah.

