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Halo. Flood. erm, not all that interesting.

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    Halo. Flood. erm, not all that interesting.

    i tire of endless corridors with masses of explodey things to shoot. yesterday and today i tired of the seemingly endless repetition in a few of the levels.

    it's a good game. not perfect, but damn good. this is the first time i've played through properly after having countless deathmatches with mates.

    flood are crap, covenant are much more fun to fight against.

    Welcome to 2001.


      Yeah, the Flood were a big faux-pas on behalf of the developers.

      I almost lost the will to live when playing The Library. So monotonous.



        Anyway, Halo's redeeming feature is the multiplayer. In my eyes. The single player just ain't that good, if you want my opinion.


          I never got the game in single player - just wasn't fun - co-op mode was fantastic though.

          I loved the big levels where you could run around and have mass battles - the backtracking bit was a real bore


            Originally posted by C'
            Yeah, the Flood were a big faux-pas on behalf of the developers.

            I almost lost the will to live when playing The Library. So monotonous.
            that's what level i'm on now... turned it off. boredom. the open levels are just great, stomping about with your fellow marines shooting the place up. then having to resort to trudging corridors like you were playing doom only less interesting.

            Welcome to 2001.
            shush you.


              Originally posted by ?pint

              Anyway, Halo's redeeming feature is the multiplayer. In my eyes. The single player just ain't that good, if you want my opinion.
              I really hope you mean co-op mode.


                Flood are a bit of a let down

                I found the repetiveness of the other levels became less of an issue the higher the difficulty level was set.

                Halo is the only game i've played that gets so much better the harder the difficulty setting, imo :

                Normal 8/10
                Heroic 9/10
                Legendary 10/10 ......... it really does make that much difference (and is my fave single player FPS bar none)


                  The flood where a disappointment especially considering the build-up and suspense to prior meeting them was pretty good but when you do finally encounter them they come off more as half-life rejects.


                    I must be the only person who really enjoyed the flood. Apart from being a welcome break and adding variety, it provided me with the chance to do the sort of brainless killing spree that makes games like Serious Sam so much fun. And the flood Vs Covenant battles were top class as well.


                      I was very glad to see the flood in the first place, but after a while they became really monotonous. They didn't show the range of emotions that the Covenant did (not surprising, being a psuedo zomebie and all), and in terms of their AI they didn;t ever surprise you.

                      I'd like to have seen a greater variety of Covenant than the flood though.


                        Originally posted by kona
                        I must be the only person who really enjoyed the flood. Apart from being a welcome break and adding variety, it provided me with the chance to do the sort of brainless killing spree that makes games like Serious Sam so much fun. And the flood Vs Covenant battles were top class as well.
                        Nah, you weren't the only one. I thought the flood were a really decent addition to the game. The library had a couple of levels too many but apart from that they really broke up the game's pace.


                          The flood are boring when they're the only enemies around, but put them against the Covenant and you get some excellent three way battles going. The Library is a chore though.

                          In some ways I think the single player game is better than multiplayer. Most of the mulitplayer maps, barring the excellent Blood Gulch, are pretty forgettable while I find myself coming back to single player quite regularly.


                            Originally posted by Electric_Boogaloo
                            I was very glad to see the flood in the first place, but after a while they became really monotonous. They didn't show the range of emotions that the Covenant did (not surprising, being a psuedo zomebie and all), and in terms of their AI they didn;t ever surprise you.
                            Well yes, it was just a bit of arcadey fun. I found the Flood very easy compared to the Covenant so I didn't mind - just kept blasting through until they were all dead.


                              Originally posted by Fire
                              Originally posted by ?pint

                              Anyway, Halo's redeeming feature is the multiplayer. In my eyes. The single player just ain't that good, if you want my opinion.
                              I really hope you mean co-op mode.
                              Well, it does feature multiple players, duh.

