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A pleasant surprise

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    A pleasant surprise

    Ever been expecting a game to be crap, but ending up liking it or even loving it?

    I think everyone must have had this experience with at least one game.

    Mine is 007: Nightfire.

    Yes, it's just an FPS with the Bond license.

    But it's sooo much fun! Great selection of weapons, smart design (on locations, enemies and the like), good fmv, some brilliant little driving sections, lovely graphics and a superb OTT plot. Using the gadgets is cool too.

    I loved it!

    List one of your unexpected delights.

    Nightfire here to, great multiplayer game and the sniper level is brilliant.


      Rocky - cracking little game. I used to have it on the Master System and it was a real button basher! The graphics are good (but not great) but the fights seem well balanced and when your getting a beating you really feel it.
      I picked it up cheap, didn't expect much but I love it.
      (shame about the loading times though)


        Ridge Racer V. All the reviews (barring Stu's of course) were so critical of the game that it wasnt until recently that I took the plunge and bought it. All the other reviews were way off the mark. This is a great racing game.



          I'd played Fallout, I wanted something similar. Give it a shot - pleasantly suprised!

          Oh and the Discworld games, nice little games they are too...

          Oh, and the new Fifa - not bad at all!

          Super Mario Sunshine - Really fun, the glitches that everyone focused on were too extreme.

          Luigi's Mansion - short, yes, but fun for every second.


            Rocky for me.

            Being my usual cynical self I was convinced Edge's review was bought. How could Rage produce a decent game I asked myself. When I played it, I discovered that Edge were indeed correct and Rage had produced a cracking game.


              I'm gonna list a few..

              Sega Soccer Slam XB- I thought it was quite easy and weak in one player, but when I started playing it with my mate it went to a whole different level.

              Chase Hollywood Stunt Driver XB - Quality Stunt racing game, lots of challenges to meet in each level, and some really nice gimmicks.

              Dynamite Deka 2 DC - I actually liked this game so much at one point that I proclaimed it, the best game I'd ever played for about 2 days. My mate never lets me forget.


                for me it has to be the fusion frenzy demo that came on the halo disk, me and my mates played it for hours on end.


                  I second Rocky - great game


                    Millenium Soldier DC. Got **** and average reviews but I think it's awesome, 'specially in two player co-op.

                    Ikari Warriors for this generation. 'Bout time someone tried to do something similar for one of the current batch. Or is there a game I'm missing out on...?


                      Originally posted by nips
                      ...Luigi's Mansion - short, yes, but fun for every second.
                      I'm with nips on this one. Luigis Mansion is a corking game. One of the best looking games around, and a lovely original idea aswell. 8)
                      I'm currently enjoying Fantavision a great deal, don't think that was received too well on release either...


                        I'm probably going to be the only person voting for......

                        Anachronox, and Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption.

                        Anachronox is a real marmite game, I loved it and everyone else hated it

                        And I used to play the PnP Vampire RPG, so I enjoyed myself with Nihilistic's attempt at a computer game translation - while the gameplay was a tad unbalanced, the storyline was great and pretty true to White Wolf's universe. Let's hope Troika can do the business with the new Vampire game in development


                          Dare i say it!

                          ICO - i now get drawn into it and worry about the girl if i leave her for more than 30 seconds!

                          Super smash brothers melee - wow its packed so full of stuff!

                          pno3 - wow what a great way to play a game with style!

                          clock tower 3 - ok i was expecting so much but when the initial dissapointment faded away. i enjoyed the choreography of the cuts sceens and that Dennis is so hilarious to watch!



                            Zombie Revenge, DC. A really good scrolling fighter with some excellent touches, such as the original HotD level (awesome!) and some well-designed elements.

                            A lot of beat em ups are labelled too easy by people who use the infinite continues
                            Zombie Revenge is not an easy game without cheating.

                            I think Dynamite Deka on DC is a cool little title, too. ^^


                              Starfox Adventures. Originally, hated the look of it & the fact that it wasn't a shooter.

                              Found it to be quite charming - definitely too easy, definitely too much shoving the player in the right direction, but altogether quite a relaxing experience.

                              Think diet-Zelda & you're almost there

